Thursday 20 March 2008

Good bye Notts...

I guess this is my last posting from Notts... The time has finally come for me to say good bye to this lovely place..I really have enjoyed my 6 month stay here (though I would have enjoyed it more if my loved ones are here with me)...

If my research goes well as planned - Insya Allah- I'll be coming back again to Notts in Jan 2010, with my Zharfan of course..can't bear the misery if I were to come here alone again :(

So my journey back will start tomorrow morning, as I'll be taking National Express coach(bus) at Broadmarsh bus station at 11.50 am, expected to arrive at London Heathrow Airport at 3.30 pm. My flight to KLIA is at 10 pm, so I would have enough time to manage my 2 trolley bags, to settle the check-in, to perform my prayers etc... And I'll be arriving in Msia at 6.20 pm on Saturday!!! Can't wait to see my hubby - I miss him sooo much- I guess he knows how I've been missing him lately...

"Tonight I resign myself to missing you for I know I have the rest of my life to wake up next to you."

And I would be seeing my little sweetheart the following day...Mama will come home to see you and fetch you 'adik'....

Bye Bye Notts...

Ilal liqa'
Mama Zharfan
8.20 am

The final 2 days...

No words can describe my excitement of waiting for the moment for me to go home - that reminds me of the similar excitement when I was waiting for the 'aqad nikah' last 4 years ;)

I spent the whole day today in my mood to go out, as last nite I was not feeling well (I kept on sneezing and sneezing-an early symptom of flu). So I just had a full rest today to regain my health. I wanna be healthy and happy when I meet my hubby and baby soon!

I sent an email to NMC yahoo groups, saying thanks & goodbye to all NMCs who have been very kind to me when I was here for the past 6 months :)

Ilal liqa'
Mama Zharfan
6.05 pm

Tuesday 18 March 2008

3 more days...

I wanna have a long list of sweet memories here in Notts...I had my final shopping trip to city today...I had a stroll, window shopping at Broadmarsh & Victoria Centre...and I did buy some stuff for me...
I always love to shop here ;)

The days for me to be back in Msia are getting closer and closer now...
In the morning I called my baby, and in the eve I called my hubby - What can be better than talking to my loved ones :)

I'm having an obsession with a song titled "Ketulusan Cinta" by Anuar Zain...I already dedicated the its lyrics to my hubby via email the other day....the lyrics are simply awesome; and romantic of course..

"Cintaku tak berdusta
Tak mengenal ingkar
Tak kenal nestapa
Cintaku hanya indah
Hanya bahagia untuk selamanya

Apa yang kurasakan ini
Persembahan untuk dirimu
Kau biarkan kasihku

Mencintaimu tak mengenal waktu
Tak mengenal puitis
hanya tulusnya hati
mencintaimu tak mengenal ragu
keyakinan hatiku hanya untuk dirimu selalu

Cintaku tak berdusta
Tak mengenal ingkar
Tak kenal nestapa
Tak ada seribu janji
Hanya bahagia untu selamanya
Apa yang kurasakan ini
Persembahan untuk dirimu
Kau benarkan kasihku
Mencintaimu tak mengenal waktu
Tak mengenal puitis hanya tulusnya hati
Mencintaimu tak mengenal ragu
Keyakinan hatiku hanya untuk dirimu selalu

Apa yang kurasakan ini
Persembahan untuk dirimu
Kau dengarkan kasihku

Mencintaimu tak mengenal waktu
Tak mengenal puitis hanya tulusnya hati
Mencintaimu tak mengenal ragu
Keyakinan hatiku hanya untuk dirimu selalu"

Ilal liqa'
Mama Zharfan

Monday 17 March 2008

Our sweetheart

I was talking to my hubby on the phone - he keeps on telling me that his life is so dull, so empty without me and our Zharfan usual, our conversation revolves around our little darling...It has been almost 7 months since I left my baby...Can't imagine his first reaction when he sees me at the airport this coming 23rd March...the most important, much-awaited part is I wanna hug him and kiss his lovely cheeks...Mama really miss you 'adik'...

Last week, I received couple of latest pics of Zharfan from my niece, Wanie. She snapped the pics using her handphone...It seems that my Zharfan is a big boy now...

Ilal liqa'
Mama Zharfan
3.15 pm

Sunday 16 March 2008

Farewell lunch

I had a lunch (my treat) at Khyberpas with all my good friends here in Notts - Farizah, Fatz, Qawy, Aisyah & Latip. We were so hungry that we really2 enjoyed the yummy food there ;)

"the words 'thank you' seem so small and yet mean so much and I hope you all understand the depth of my gratitude.."

I gave a call to my Zharfan in the delighted to hear his happy voice...
Then I called my hubby - he was down with fever & flu since last nite- pity my darling, he's got to take care of his own, I understand how does he feel, especially when he needs someone to comfort him, to soothe's just another 5 days dear...I'm coming back to be with you again...

So after the lunch, I gave him another call, just to make sure he's ok...he told me that he has taken some medicine...I pray that he'll get well soon...

Ilal liqa'
Mama Zharfan
4.05 pm

Final weekend

I had a bee-zy day today...
In the morning, after giving a call to my hubby, I went to Asda with Farizah (managed to grab a pair of trousers for my Zharfan :)

After a yummy lunch at her house, I joined Farizah&Fatz, Aisyah& Latip to visit a newborn babygirl of Zue&Dr Syed...

After Asr prayer, I attended Helwa's gathering and activities held at Dalina's house - delicious mee jawa and some other heavenly food...

Aisyah&Latip gave me a lift home..I arrived back at 8 pm... There goes my final Saturday here at Notts ;)

Ilal liqa'
Mama Zharfan
8.05 pm

Saturday 15 March 2008

One more week to go!!!

At last, I have 7 more days here to spend at Notts..

This morning, I gave my Zharfan a call - as usual, keep telling him that Mama's coming home soon...I always love to hear his sweet voice saying (repeating my words) "I love u" whenever I say that phrase to him :)

"For yesterday's memories, today's love, and tomorrow's dreams I love you."

Ilal liqa'
Mama Zharfan
4.15 pm

Friday 14 March 2008

Our little darling-Zharfan ;)

I miss my baby like crazy...and my hubby shares this feeling too...

This morning, when I went to Sainsbury to buy some groceries, I saw a cute swimming suit for boys. I remember last time my hubby asked me to buy one for our little darling, if the suit is the 2 pieces type. So without even a second thought, I put that suit into the trolley and then proceeded to the till(cashier)!
My boy loves playing with water, and I have on my mind few plans to bring him for vacation-that includes having a splash in the swimming pool of course :)

In the eve, I was talking to my hubby on the phone - all those lovey-dovey conversation ;)...8 days seem too long for us to wait *sigh*

Ilal liqa'
Mama Zharfan
6 pm

Thursday 13 March 2008

Final meeting

It's a great relief after the meeting with Prof Torremans ended at 2.40 pm...Alhamdulillah, the work here is done :)

In the morning, I called up my niece, Ila to congratulate her for an excellent result in SPM- she got 12A (9A1 and 3A2) - repeating our family academic excellence.I pray that her ambition to become a dentist (so that she could inherit her papa's clinics) will become true, Insya Allah.

My hubby gave me sms, asking me to wake him up early tomorrow morning because he's got to work outstation to JB tomorrow morning...

Final countdown : 9 MORE DAYS to go!!!

Ilal liqa'
Mama Zharfan
4.15 pm

Wednesday 12 March 2008

Boxes arrived!

Alhamdulillah, the 2 large boxes that I sent via Palshipping have been delivered safely this eve (Msian time)- my hubby told me via sms while I was waiting for the hopper bus to go back to my flat. He was so excited to see all the stuff that I sent, I just asked him to take out all the chocs and put it into the fridge, and to take out our Zharfan's toys as well ;)

I was supposed to have the final meeting with Prof Torremans at 11.30 am, but he did not turn I just left him a note, requesting for the re-appointment. As soon as I reached home, Prof gave me an email, informing that his meeting at 11 am was overran, hence I may see him tomorrow; I opt for 2 pm tomorrow*sigh*

Ilal liqa'
Mama Zharfan
4.45 pm

Tuesday 11 March 2008

I'm lonely

I email my hubby (almost everyday) - that's one of the ways for me to overcome my know that he also misses me like I miss him is very comforting.... and I know my Zharfan also misses me, just the way I miss him, every single second..

"I don't miss you and you alone; I miss you and me together."

Ilal liqa'
Mama Zharfan
5 pm

Monday 10 March 2008

Greatest blessings

One of the greatest blessings in life is to live in a peaceful, lovely, harmonious and prosperous country...I pray to Allah that my beloved country Msia will always be in His care and rahmah...

Another equally wonderful blessings in life is to love and be loved. I have been showered with these - the feeling is hard to be described...I'm so lucky and thankful to God for what I have now - I'm blessed with loved ones - my baby, my hubby, my parents, my siblings, my friends; and I'm elated to know that the feeling is mutual ;)

"A hug for you means I need you. A kiss for you means I love you. A call for you means I'm missing you."

Ilal liqa'
Mama Zharfan
4.45 pm

Sunday 9 March 2008

Election mood!

Yup, I have been surfing and chatting on the net for few hours - just to get the latest update of the election result. I chatted with my sis-jema, then i chat with my niece-wanie, my future sis-in-law-aimi, and also my coursemate-dany. The lovely part of course i called my hubby few times to share our excitement over the result. Some unexpected result, some miracles :)
Dare to differ :)

*I was overjoyed when my hubby told me that he always reads my blog - I thought he is to busy to do that ;) that really cheers me up...

Ilal liqa'
Mama Zharfan
7.05 pm

Saturday 8 March 2008

Final Countdown - 2 WEEKS MORE!!

yes, just another 2 more weeks to go...

can't resist my eagerness to start I just put all the clothes into my two trolley bags with the main intention to see how heavy the bags will's a relief to know that the bags are not that heavy - after all I have sent most of the stuff via Palshipping - they came to collect the 2 boxes yesterday eve..

General election in Msia will be held tomorrow-my mom was telling me that perang poster is everywhere!! Too bad I could not cast my vote this to wait for another 4 years then *sigh*

Ilal liqa'
Mama Zharfan
5.40 pm

Friday 7 March 2008

It hurts..

It is painful, hurts, truly miserable for these final 2 weeks for me to go through...the closer is the harder, the more unbearable it becomes...

I miss my baby, my hubby, my parents, all my loved ones in Msia...

"Each time I miss you, a star falls down from the sky. So, if you looked up at the sky and found it dark with no stars, it is all your fault. You made me miss you too much!"

I love being here in Notts, but I hope that I won't come here alone again in the year 2010 - I'm not that strong to face the loneliness for the second time :(

Ilal liqa'
Mama Zharfan
6.20 pm

Thursday 6 March 2008


I'd say that UK is such a great place to shop - a shopping heaven for a 'shopholic' like me...I'm greatly impressed with the collection of babies and kids wear like Mothercare, Pumpkin Patch, Adams, GAP, and branded items like Clarks, Marks&Spencer, Next etc.

For the past few months I have been in obsession with my collection of nightie/chemise that I managed to buy while I'm here... They are so lovely, and affordable too! -Can't wait to wear it ;)

Indeed, the purchasing power here is very high- can't compare with Msia of course :)

Ilal liqa'
Mama Zharfan
6.05 pm

Wednesday 5 March 2008

In my shoes

I've got two friends here who are enduring a similar loneliness for being away from family - Ruth & Fizah, both are split phD students like me...

Yesterday eve, Ruth dropped by at my room, just wanna say hi. She told me that she can't focus on her study anymore as she is expecting her hubby who will be arriving here on 18th March...As usual we exchanged our similar stories of loneliness - except that she doesn't have a baby yet...

This afternoon, Fizah gave a me a phone call - and guess what, she also told me that she can no longer focus on her study, as she is very much looking forward to go back to Msia on 28th March, a week after my departure(soon..)... Among three of us, Fizah said that I'm the strongest, as I have not seen my hubby for the continuous 6 months, while she is luckier in the sense that her hubby came to visit her last December....

Yeah, I'm strong...but tears is always my best companion whenever I feel that it is no longer bearable, whenever I feel like I can't take it anymore...
Just another 17 days, so I have to comfort myself to keep on being strong emotionally, though I can't focus on my study anymore, exactly like Ruth and Fizah ;)

Ilal liqa'
Mama Zharfan
5.30 pm

Tuesday 4 March 2008

Good news

I called up Puan Raihan of IIUM Educare. It's a great relief to hear that she has noted my appeal to re-enrol my Zharfan and she promised that if there is any vacancy, the place would be given to my boy...

I also managed to speak to Puan Intan of TH Travel, and she quickly emailed to me the e-ticket- a piece of a very vital document that would enable me to check-in for my flight on 21st March!!!

I was chatting with my friend Ezna on ym... we shared our vision & dream for this year - we hope and pray to be blessed with a baby the same time, I expressed to her my doubt.. that I'm thinking of reconsidering the plan to conceive this year...I really2 need to discuss this matter with my hubby and my mom when I'm back in Msia...deep in my heart, I'd love to have another baby, but is that a right decision? Am I able to juggle two important things at one time - having a baby and a very hight commitment for my phD research...

Ilal liqa'
Mama Zharfan
4.10 pm

Monday 3 March 2008

Carboot again ;)

I joined Farizah & Fadzil to Derby carboot sale today. Nothing specific in mind to buy, just wanna have a stroll & window shopping, rather than being alone in my room. I end up buying a cute Mickey Mouse Toaster!! Then we went to Corwick carboot as Farizah wanna buy a tot car seat for her boy.

We dropped by at Kak Mai's house as she's leaving for Msia tonite - that adds to my excitement seeing her hubby & friends busily packing and weighing the bulky bags for her!!! Can't wait for turn to go back to Msia - which is just another 2 weekends away ;)

Lunch as usual at Farizah's house - yummy spagehetti mee soup- my fav!! Thanks Farizah- I gonna miss your cooking..

I gave my hubby a short phone call while I was at Asda - he said that life's so dull being alone without me and our Zharfan around...I keep on telling him that it's just another 2 weekends, then everything will be back as usual - our happy family together again!!

Ilal liqa'
Mama Zharfan
5.00 pm

Sunday 2 March 2008


I just got back from Kak Tim's house. She cooked heavenly dishes for the dinner - masak lemak cili api, sambal udang, kuah rojak+vege, and yummy desert!!

We had a chat, and her hubby Abg Zainal has sent me back to Raleigh Park at around 10.30 pm.. Kak Tim is as nice as Kak Ida - no wonder they are good friends, and I always count my blessings for having known them :)

Ilal liqa'
Mama Zharfan
10.50 pm

Saturday 1 March 2008

Bye Bye February

Today is the last day of February...that means my much awaited time is closer and closer...21 more days to go...

Spring is just around the corner- I love to see bright, yellow daffodils blooming everywhere, as if it just popped out of the ground, a lovely sight indeed!!!

Ilal liqa'
Mama Zharfan
4.40 pm

Friday 29 February 2008

When I miss you...

Can't stop thinking about you, missing you....

As I sit alone,
I remember the beautiful moments we spent together...
I'm waiting till we can meet again - my Zharfan & my hubby :)

I always say 'I love you' to my boy whenever I called him, and I love hearing him repeating the same things to me ;)

Ilal liqa'
Mama Zharfan
4.45 pm

Thursday 28 February 2008


"A successful marriage requires fallings in love many times, always with the same person."(Melaine Powell)

I gave an email to my hubby, expressing my intention to do something together [something to spark up our marriage :) ]once I'm back in Msia...initially I was not sure whether he would accept my suggestion or not...but when I asked him via sms, he replied that he is ok with my that keeps me smiling for the whole day... :)

I really look forward to going back to Msia...if only I could speed up the pace of time, I would have done that :)

Ilal liqa'
Mama Zharfan
5.20 pm

Wednesday 27 February 2008

8th meeting with Prof T

I had the 8th meeting with Prof Torremans at 2 pm. Alhamdulillah, my first chapter is completed now, after he has revised the correction that I submitted last week. There will be a final meeting tentatively on 11th March, before I go back to Msia.

In the morning, I called my hurts me a lot, knowing that he has been waiting for me on the front door...his Nenek told me today, that my baby put on his shoes on his own, and then carried his Barney backpack around on his bike, as if he is going to school, and then he keeps on waiting at the door...that made me cry again...the feeling is getting unbearable now- I'm suffering miserably here too...we got to be strong my boy, there's just another 24 days to go...Mama will fetch you and I will never leave you again :(

Ilal liqa'
Mama Zharfan
4.25 pm

Tuesday 26 February 2008

Another boring Monday

In the morning, I went to the library to return some books...On the way back, I bumped into Kak Tim and her hubby, Abg Zainal. They invited me for a dinner at their house this coming Saturday. They have been very nice to me - one of the many kind-hearted people that I know while in Notts...

25 more days to go...sometimes I feel that time does stand still *sigh* - so lonely, no mood to focus on my study :(

Ilal liqa'
Mama Zharfan
6.50 pm

Monday 25 February 2008

Spicing up our life

It's always nice to spice up our mundane life, our routine...
My routine since the last five months plus is to study, read, write, eat, solat, shopping - and the spices of course when I spent sweet moment exchanging "lovey-dovey" sms with my hubby...on top of chatting with my Zharfan over the phone...

It's always a blessing in disguise for us (me, hubby and baby) to go through this temporal, distance relationship - our love grows stronger day by day... Alhamdulillah for Your Blessings...

Ilal liqa'
Mama Zharfan
5.30 pm

Sunday 24 February 2008

Lonely weekend...

Minus this weekend, I have 3 more lonely weekends to spend here...I gonna miss my life here at Notts, but I can't live happily without my baby and hubby with me...

"I don't want you to know, so I try to be strong. I don't want you to think that without you, I can't go on. But that's how it is, and that's how it will be, because, my baby and my hubby, I love you, I need you, I miss you, and without you, there's just no me."

Ilal liqa'
Mama Zharfan
5.25 pm

Saturday 23 February 2008

Packing up - 2nd round

Palshipping sent me the boxes (2 medium size boxes) this for the second time with full excitement I spent my whole morning packing up the stuff into the boxes...and finally its done :)

I called my hubby as usual - it's always comforting to talk to him, to hear his voice....distance and this temporary separation has made us appreciating each other to the fullest...I miss him...and I know he misses me...

In the afternoon, I walked to Mothercare (since there's a promo sale of 10% discount on the purchase). Other than my own items, I bought a toy for my sweetheart, my Zharfan....I miss my baby every single moment....

Ilal liqa'
Mama Zharfan
5.30 pm

Friday 22 February 2008

One month to go!!

Yes...30 more days = 4 more weeks for me to go back to Msia...

In the morning, I had a short meeting with Prof Sue Arrowsmith -she's my postgraduate student advisor.
I also bought the National Express (coach) ticket online from Notts to Heathrow Airport for the departure date 21/3/08 - that costs me GBP 36.50...
All in all, everything is almost done, except for the sending 2 more boxes via Palshipping- hopefully it can be settled next week...

Ilal liqa'
Mama Zharfan
5.45 pm

Thursday 21 February 2008

Correction submitted

Yes, finally I completed my revised draft chapter one and submitted it via email to my supervisor...
Right now, just focusing on reading for continuous literature survey....and dreaming of going home ;)

"Before I sleep and after I wake up and all the hours in between ... you occupy my mind. So, practically every moment of the day you are in my thoughts. I miss you - my baby and my hubby..."

Ilal liqa'
Mama Zharfan
5.30 pm

Wednesday 20 February 2008

A baby is a blessing

A baby is always a miracle, a manifestation of love...I have been thinking since couple of weeks, and I've made my mind...I share my thought with my hubby and he seems happy with my decision...yes...I hope and pray to be blessed with another baby.

Until recently, I thought I would defer this plan until I have completed my phD in September 2010, but 2008 has made me to rethink and reconsider... I know my hubby is always happy for us to have another baby, since our Zharfan will be 3 years old this coming May.

Insya Allah, if Allah wants it to happen, it will happen eventually...Amiin...

Ilal liqa'
Mama Zharfan
7.00 pm

Tuesday 19 February 2008

Sharing the excitement

When I called my baby this morning, he was in a jovial mood- I keep on telling him that I'm coming home soon to fetch him, and I ask him to pick me up at the airport. We really share the excitement of seeing each other again...I miss him, and I know I have missed quite a lot of his milestone. I remember the other day my hubby was telling me that our Zharfan now can say and respond "tak tahu" in a right situation. And today my mom was telling me that my boy can say "tak cayalah nenek" when he talked to his Nenek...

32 more days to go...

Ilal liqa'
Mama Zharfan
5.50 pm

Monday 18 February 2008

A trip to remember...

Birmingham is such a big city, much bigger compared to Notts, and the weather is extremely cold too!!!... Yesterday, I went to Sealife (like Aquaria or Underwater World in Msia). Then I stayed overnite in Traveldoge-sharing a room with Aisyah, Farizah & her baby Fawaz.

Today, I went to Cadbury World. Then I went to one of the shopping complexes in Birm, called Bullring. Overall it's such a nice, fun, enjoyable, new experience (+tiring too, especially on the way back). Travelling in Europe, the biggest challenge I think is to find a place to perform solat and to find halal food. Yet to take photos (lots of them!!) is one of the best things to do, because of the wonderful, lovely scenery of Europe :)

I would have enjoyed my trip more if my hubby and baby is around with me here...To comfort myself, I did sms my hubby + gave him a call few times during the trip - I guess he knows how much I miss him and wanna be with him....Insya Allah, soon...

Ilal liqa'
Mama Zharfan
6.45 pm

Saturday 16 February 2008

Off to Birmingham

I gave my Zharfan and my hubby a call before I left for Birm.

Minus this weekend, there are 4 more weekends for me to spend here at Notts...the time is getting closer and closer...

Ilal liqa'
Mama Zharfan
7.20 am

Just another cold, wintry day....

The weather has been cold since the last few days... 4 degree celcius today...

Not really in mood to write (nor to study), just doing some reading and net-surfing..*sigh*

Anyway, I did chat with my hubby via ym for few minutes - he's tired as usual after a long day at work..I just inform him that I would be leaving for Birmingham trip tomorrow morning (together with my friends here in Notts - we are going for sight-seeing and spending overnite there:)

Ilal liqa'
Mama Zharfan
5.30 pm

Friday 15 February 2008

A busy morning ;)

Finally, I got an email from TH Travel confirming the flight booking as I requested (only after I called them again this morning!)

So for the whole morning, I was busily making reservation/booking for flight tickets for myself (KL-KB), for my parents, my Zharfan & I (KB-KL) and for my parents to return to KB. It's done!! Alhamdulillah.

In the eve, after discussing with my hubby, I managed to reserve a room in Concorde Hotel Shah Alam, so that I would spend overnite (one night transit) with my hubby of course, before flying back to KB to see my baby...

So now, counting the days again as usual, its 5 MORE WEEKS to go!!!!
Ilal liqa'

Mama Zharfan

6.30 pm

Thursday 14 February 2008

Research Presentation Day

Yes, it's over. My presentation went smoothly as planned, Alhamdulillah....

I joined the lunch which was meant for all the phD students- there quite a number of us apparently, more than 50 I guess.

Before I go back to my room, I walked to Beeston...I bought a 9ct gold charm bracelet for myself from Argos!! It is so sweet, very light ones, as it only costs me 19.99 pound...I simply love gold jewelleries, and I believe that all women do...

Ilal liqa'
Mama Zharfan
5.20 pm

Wednesday 13 February 2008

I miss them...

yes...i miss my baby and my hubby...

" u know how much i miss u... try to catch the rain drops...those that u catch is how much u miss me..but those that u left is how much i miss u...."

in the morning, i called TH travel & tours in Kl to inquire about my air ticket. To my surprise, they have yet to receive the instruction from UIA. when I called UIA, it is apparent that the letter of instruction is still on the way, as it was posted via ordinary mail - the delay is attributed to the CNY long holidays. *sigh*
I need to get the confirmation soonest possible before I could proceed to buy another MAS ticket for me to fly to my hometown, and then from KB -KL with my Zharfan and my parents, and then my parents to go back to KB... lots of things to be done, so I really need the confirmation from TH travel!!!

Ilal liqa'
Mama Zharfan
4.55 pm

Tuesday 12 February 2008

Panel Review Interview

Alhamdulillah, the interview went smoothly :)

Before I attended the interview (at 11am), I gave a call to my Zharfan, just to ensure that he's ok after my hubby left him with his nenek. My mom said my boy did not cry, but his tears rolled down his cheek when my mother told him not to cry :( pity my baby...He understands that his papa got to go to work and leave him with nenek, and he is waiting for me to come back and fetch him...that's what I tell him everytime I speak to him on the phone.

I also called my's a relief to know that he has arrived in KL safely. My hubby seemed to be happy to receive a card that I sent him ( actually the card was meant for our 4th first date anniversary-this coming 17 Feb!)...Love is in the air :)

Ilal liqa'
Mama Zharfan
5.30 pm

Monday 11 February 2008


It's a great blessings to have friends whom you can laugh with and depend on whenever you need it...being faraway from Msia, I always count my blessings to get to know some true friends here in Notts, like qawy, farizah & fatz, aishah & latif...I hope that the friendship that I've made here will last even when I'm back in Msia, or when they're back in Msia in 3 years time... :)

When I was surfing the net few days back, I saw some love quotes on one of the forum on Other than 'baby quotes'. I do love these kinds of lovely, romantic quotes..:) so sweet to dedicate it to my loved one (who else, my hubby of course! ;)

"Though miles may lie between us, we're never far apart, for our love doesn't count the miles, it's measured by the heart."

40 days to's getting closer and closer...

Ilal liqa'
Mama Zharfan
4.50 pm

Sunday 10 February 2008


Today is my brother's engagement day (Nizar-Aimi). My whole family went to Trg for that occassion, all, except me and my sister jema. I pray for my brother and future sister-in-law that they will be the loving couple (like me!! :) and that their wedding in August will be smooth as planned. Amiin.

As for my self, not really in mood to go out (monthly red light) I just spent the whole day staying in the room, doing some reading for the purpose of completing the correction of first chapter..

41 more days to words can describe my misery, loneliness, the unbearable feeling to be with my baby and hubby... :(

Ilal liqa'
Mama Zharfan
4.45 pm

Saturday 9 February 2008

Love is like the wind...

"Love is like the wind, you can't see it, but you can feel it..."

This lovely quote is taken from my favourite movie, A Walk To Remember...the quote is so sweet, true and touching...

Because of the distance, I can't see my baby and my baby right now; I can't be with them...but I can feel the love, our mutual love, my love to them, their love for me...

I miss them miserably lately... :(

Ilal liqa'
Mama Zharfan
4.40 pm

Friday 8 February 2008


There's nothing that could make me happier than seeing my Zharfan on webcame-live via yahoo messenger :) he was excited to see me, as the last time we saw each other via webcam was during the hari raya puasa last year....

6 more weeks to go....I keep on whispering to myself...the time is closer, and the much awaited moment will come soon, Insya Allah...

Ilal liqa'
Mama Zharfan
5 pm

Thursday 7 February 2008

Sunny, happy day...

The weather is good - not so cold today :)

In the morning, I gave a call to IIUM Educare and managed to speak to Puan Raihan, the vice principal, appealing to her to re-enrol my Zharfan. She asked me to follow-up again in early March...there's a hope I think...

In the afternoon, I went to school. First, I went to library to collect my inter-library loans, then collected ILL vouchers from Danielle. When I checked my pigeon hole, I found out that my cheque for travel claim is already there... :)
The discussion with Prof Torremans about my presentation next Wednesday also went smoothly. Alhamdulillah.

My hubby gave me a sms, saying that our Zharfan is so 'manja' and lonely without friend... emm...what does that mean...If we were to have another baby, I'm afraid that I could not cope with my study and research project, the worst part is the fact that I have to come again to UK in 2010, if I have another baby...well...can't decide now... (but deep in my heart, I hope and pray that we would be blessed with another baby...)

Ilal liqa'
Mama Zharfan
6.30 pm

Wednesday 6 February 2008

Hubby & baby are together again..

Alhamdulillah, so glad and relieve to know that my hubby has arrived home (our kampung in Kelantan) safely this afternoon. Hubby was telling me that our boy was a bit 'malu-malu' seeing took about few moments before our Zharfan happily playing with my hubby, giggling, cuddling :) ...
I can imagine that my Zharfan will be VERY 'malu-malu' when he first sees me on the coming 23rd March- because by that time he has not seen me for almost 7 months!!!...another 45 days to go...

In the eve, I was not feeling well...feeling tired, not in mood...not sure what's the reason. So I canceled my intention to go the library to collect the inter-library-loan book that I have requested.
And I received an email from my supervisor asking me to see him tomorrow at 2.30 pm to discuss about my draft slides for presentation that I have emailed him on Monday...*sigh*

Ilal liqa'
Mama Zharfan
6.30 pm