Wednesday 28 February 2018

Always noodle lover

I've always love bihun mee etc yg sewaktu dgnnya

and MZ selalu gak mkn mee tarik yg dibeli kat dlm UNIQ cafe kat dlm uia..rege pun boleh tahan, RM9 sepinggan utk fried beef noodle
mee tarik memang lagi sedap rasanya dari mee kuning biasa

and last few weeks, 1st time MZ try mkn mee tarik kat restoran Mee Tarik Warisan Asli (kat dlm melawati mall)

harga of course standard rege restoran
in terms or rasa--kena dgn tekak dan selera MZ, and portion pun byk..agak besar bowl tu

beed slices tu agak byk and rasa supnya tu agak pedas so siyes sedappp

regenya around RM15 kalau tak silap..nanti nak repeat sbb suka dgn rasa mee ni :)

have a nice day everyone

Tuesday 27 February 2018

2d1n @Royale Chulan The Curve

kisah weekend getaway kami..ari sabtu lps, check-in Royal Chulan The Curve hubby menang voucher from contest DL@Mydin..valuenya vou...boleh pilih nak dok mana2 hotel..sbb mr hubby kena masuk keje on sunday tghari, so kena check-in hotel yg tak jauh dari rumah jerlah
MZ pun pilih nak dok sini...sbbnya last few years pernah attend prize-giving kat Royal Chulan--errr rupa2nya yg tu royal chulan yg kami check in in royal chulan the curve...dekat2 jer dua hotel ni (tp kena naik keta lah)..Royale Chulan the curve ni memang attach dgn the curve dan opposite ipc/ikano/ikea..jalan kaki jer kami ronda2 all these places

sbb nak bilik yg besar ie family kena top up RM210 bayar kat agent on top of RM500 voucher value (agent dilantik oleh pihak DL)--top up tu cover breakfast for 4 pax selain dpt bilik family room...actually kalau tgk harga kat website, family room ni rate around RM510+ jer per nite...MZ suspect agent mark-up harga kaw2 for choice laaaaa..lgpun kena redeem/utilize the voucher sblm 31 mac..

so ni MZ snap2 pic lps setel check in...siyes spacious biliknya...ada dua tv, ada dua bilik ie one with 2 single beds, another one with one double bed

ada sofa gak mcm mini living room

common bathroom/attached -- ada bath tub and separate shower

ni bilik with double bed..ada wing chair/sofa

wajib posing2 lps dh snap2 pic bilik..bukan hari2 dtg tido hotel kan :p

MZ and 3 boys

i love this pic

so zharfan & ariff tido katil ni..ada sliding door yg memisakan dua bilik to weolls just let the door open gitu

MZ merasmikan bj yg baru dibeli kat AEON :P

razeen sibuk nak menyelit  bila tgk mama tgh posing2

gaya che ta lah tuuuuu :p

posing sambil dukung razeen jap..dh berat dh budak ni..rasanya dh 15kg+

family pic..snap2 few shots..yg ni jer yg paling ok

ada lg pics psl cuti2 @royale chulan ni..
next entry lah plak

Monday 26 February 2018

A long tiring anxious day

ari khamis lepas..
my ariff berulang2 ragamnya..actually it is not normal bila tak nak pergi sekolah tanpa sebab selain nangis..

referral letter

the last resort, MZ and hubby bwk ariff pergi klinik uia, amik referral letter, then bwk ariff pegi hosp selayang
parking was a serious problem..pusing2 few times tak de parking..last2 we parked kat selayang mall then naik teksi pergi hosp selayang (tambang RM5)

syukur the process was smooth, waiting period pun bearable..even dpt fast lane sbb involved child as patient kan..

sbb ni 1st visit so doctor just tanya jer what's happening..kind of dgr cerita from our side and suggested some solutions..actually we did try many2 things to avoid the prob from recur...doc pun tak leh nak bagi diagnosis sbb tak de prob kat sek (cthnya no bully case and no academic problem), and kat rumah pun tak de prob ie relationship dgn siblings semua ok
doc suggests to use reward system...which we actually have been using tp may be not so consistent..
and lps setel sesi dgn doktor, jumpa therapist pulak..yg suggest breathing technique etc

by afternoon, setel semua urusan kat hosp selayang..MZ masuk balik opis..sbb byk keje kena hubby pun sempat gak pegi keje sbb byk kes urgent (as usual)

moga2 segalanya back to normal
jumaat ariff dh ok
pg td (isnin pun he's ok), moga berterusan lah hendaknya..amiiin

Thursday 22 February 2018

OOTD mommy & son

OOTD lah time gi AEON mall shah alam..

pakai kaler biruuuu

zharfan yg snap-so tak cukup korum lah..

selfie laki-bini :p - 14th years of being together

sempat lah beli tshirt dan jeans utk zharfan, socks utk razeen, and some stationeries jugak...sbb kat AEON ada promo boleh redeem vou kalau beli certain MZ dpt lah RM15 aeon vou...kena beli RM318 utk dptkan RM30 vou..MZ shopping tak sampai that amount :p

Wednesday 21 February 2018

What happens after a year..

...desperately need to buy a new handbag LOL....

ari tu MZ dok belek2 receipt dlm file folder yg MZ simpan..ternampak resit MZ beli handbag carlo rino..bln feb 2017 (kat AEON WM) now memang almost a year dah usia my beloved handbag..
memang pakai dgn jayanya ie tak gilir2 dgn handabg yg lain sbb malas nak pindah2 mcm mak nenek brg dlm tu..

ni close-up--signs of wear & tear gitu..

 keychain pony ie accessories yg memang set handbag ni pun dh faded kaler nya...kaler asal ialah gold

ada koyak sikit kat area zip...lasak nya MZ :p

ok, for all the above reasons..MZ need a new handbag!!!

alhamdulillah wish list granted ari sabtu hubby telah bermurah hati membelanja kan MZ sebuah handbag carlo rino yg baru...kebetulan sbb ada sale so harga jd below RM300 which is affordable gitu..handbag yg lama (yg pic kat atas tu, harga RM300+)

as usual, MZ cari yg pinky2 sbb bj2dan tudungs MZ memang majority tema pinky2...senang nak match gitu
MZ beli kat butik CR kat aeon mall shah alam..zharfan yg snap pic tu...posing dgn mode dlm hati ada taman sbb dh dpt handbag baru

tadaaaa pinky CR!! ada tali panjang so senang nak sangkut kat bahu or even carry gaya sling bag (silang for safety reason time jln/kuar sorang2)

Insya Allah, plan bwk this handbag ni utk pergi sydney of course lah bwk gi keje gak, ganti handbag yg lama tu

ni resitnya...ada discount 50%+10%

then staff CR tu suruh MZ sign up jd member (free membership)..antara benefits jd member..boleh kumpul loyalty points dan dpt voucher RM100 utk digunakan masa besday month...errr bolehlah MZ beli kasut or purse baru nanti..sbb memang suka brand CR ni...
vou RM10 tu dpt sbb lucky dip sempena promo CNY (dpt dip sbb purchase above RM200)

TQ Mr Hubby :) :) lain kali belanja lagi yer hahahah

moga2 kita semua sentiasa dilimpahi dgn rezeki dan keberkatan juga kegembiraan..amiin

Tuesday 20 February 2018

Somebody got a new pair of shoes..

alkisahnya kasut my lil razeen dh buruk and semakin sendat/ketat for his feet..kid grows up fast kan..and kebetulan memang nak fly gi sydney next month..memang kena ada kasut baru yang comfy lah utk travel..

dh survey kat few places jugak...sbb MZ bajet nak beli yg rege RM100 or below jer..nak plak yg branded LOL...biasanya yg on sale tak de saiz yg kena dgn kaki razeen
finally jumpalah kasut nike for kids kat al-ikhsan melawati mall
so apa lg, belilah utk razeen

ni lps dh setel byr kasut utk budak kecik ni

ni testing kasut pagi jumaat lps..stoking tu beli last year kat aeon KB (time nak raya)

tadaaa tulah kasutnya..harap2 tahan lah at least setahun :p takde kaler lain pun sbb yg ni pun best buy..rege RM99

ok, razeen dh ready nak kuar jln2 ni...jommmmm

Monday 19 February 2018

Movie time | Black Panther

ari sabtu..sbb kami tak balik kg cuti cny, so kuar tgk hubby and kids...sbb MZ ada menang tix/voucher GSC from contest homesoy, so kami pun pegi tgk movie ni kat gcs melawati mall..1st time ni kami masuk gcs MM ni..

MZ dpt 8 pieces vou ni..dari contest homesoy, plus 2 tix MZ redeem guna DL 10 tixs..dh guna 4 pcs, ada lagi 6 pcs mcm dlm pic ni

overall not badlah...marvel series ariff yg beria2 dh lama ckp nak tgk sejak kuar gazette promo psl movie ni..

GSC dh tak guna sistem tix mcm kat TGV..tak de tix yg berkeping2 tu..cuma dpt benda ni jer sehelai..

ni resitnya...tix tu harga RM17 perpcs fuhhh so total 4 tixs valuenya RM68--jimat RM sbb guna vou hehehhe

sinopsis MZ amik kat website ajerlah yer..

After the death of his father, T'Challa returns home to the African nation of Wakanda to take his rightful place as king. When a powerful enemy suddenly reappears, T'Challa's mettle as king -- and as Black Panther -- gets tested when he's drawn into a conflict that puts the fate of Wakanda and the entire world at risk. Faced with treachery and danger, the young king must rally his allies and release the full power of Black Panther to defeat his foes and secure the safety of his people.

MZ bagi 4 dari 5 bintang

Thursday 15 February 2018

target for savings

ari selasa (13 feb) MZ sempat singgah TH kat bt caves utk update buku akaun TH MZ and kids, wpun dh awal2 check via M2U (bonus credited on 10/2/18 lagi), tapi lg best bila update kat dlm buku akaun sbb boleh nampak printed figures...kiranya hasil gigih menabung sepanjang tahun 2017 gitu (wpun tak gigih mana pun sebenarnya hahah)

actually as at now, tak derlah byk sgt pun accumulated savings MZ dlm TH..jauh lagi nak cecah tetap ada azam dan target...moga2 tercapai target savings utk thn ni..dlm keadaan ekonomi yg merudum, dgn nilai RM yg mengecil berbanding harga brg2 dan petrol yg sentiasa naik..having some savings sgt2 membantu time terdesak nak pakai duit kan..
dan yg paling penting memang nak pergi buat haji in few years time (tunggu razeen besar sikit dan boleh berdikari)

so setiap kali TH bagi dividens, rasa happy dan syukur..yelah, bonus utk gomen staff pun setakat RM1k (awal jan ari tu) dpt bonus from TH memang satu rahmat gitu

jom kita menabung dgn bersungguh2 :)

Wednesday 14 February 2018

anxious about cholesterol level

last few weeks MZ buat blood check up for cholesterol, sugar etc..

memang kena buat check up ni as annual routine esp sbb usia dh jejak 40s kan..

so nilah resultnya

overall kalau compare dgn previous result (thn 2016), memang dh naik lah tahap kolesterol MZ ni..#sosad

from the report above...kalau tak silap..LDL tu kolesterol jahat..yg kena monitor closely..mine is on the border sbb maximum allowed is 4.0...kalau lebih 4.0 memang kena start amik pills rasanya..scary laaa

so now nak kena betul2 jaga pemakanan..kena kurangkan mkn berminyak bergoreng bersantan dan processed food, selain kurangkan carbo intake jugak..which is easier said than done..utk tukar daily diet memang tak mudah..cthnya menu breakfast...memang pyh nak tukar laaa..MZ biasanya mkn bihun goreng or nasi goreng (tp small portion jer)..memang sgt2 kurangkan minuman manis/bergula lately..

take care everyone!

Monday 12 February 2018

bonding moment | makan2 time

my ariff was attending mahabbah camp at his school from one of the activities..from the file yg dia bwk balik..psl 'my heart' ie apa yg dia suka/appreciate in his life

touching plak bila dia tulis..dia sgt suka/appreciate our makan2 moment ie time mama papa belanja makan

so sajer nak tepek our family eating out moment..
ni time makan2 kat manhattan fish wangsa walk mall

zharfan yg snap--my face tercover oleh straw pulakkkkk :p

have a nice monday everyone!