Lyafrina is having the above contest in conjunction with her 3rd wedding anniversary and her hubby's 25th bday..
Let's check it out:
1. Just be my Follower (http://cahayahatiku-lyafrina.blogspot.com/)--DONE
3.Buatkan satu entry bertajuk " Im Yours"--DONE4.Just upload

b) pic di hari p'kahwinan anda(pic y unik/sempoi/up 2 u)- tak de pic yg sesuai to be uploaded here..
c)Pic suami anda (Pic b'sahaja, melucukan.dll)
--> I love this pic (pose bersahaja- senyum natural (hubby susah nak senyum kalau suruh pose..aisehh..) anyway, this pic reflects sifat kebapaan my hubby ;) + sanggup/suka jer pakai sama baju dgn our lil Ariff tu...
--> another pic pose bersahaja my hubby and our Zharfan...ni masa gi holiday kat Awana Genting Highlands...hubby memang close + suka bergurau + layan anak2...(ni pic hubby pakai jeans - first time tu..shhh)(UP TO U nak pilih kategori a @ b @ c...@ ksemua ktegori.. )
5. Last, ceritakan serba sedikit perihal anda & suami anda/suami anda.. X perlu pnjang2... Just simple2 jer.
(cth: pgorbanan suami y xdpt anda lupakan, peristiwa romantik y xdpt dlupakn, k'istimewaan , kali ptama dilamar/mluahkan cinta dll)
--> I believe (all wives pun would agree) that hubby is the best person fated to be our soul mate, our life partner... my hubby memang compelement me...
example, i jenis yg cepat temper, cepat gelabah/nervous, hubby plak jenis yg super cool..i jenis yg kurang expert handle baby nangis tgh2 mlm...hubby akan take care dan settlekan sampai our baby Ariff tido balik...
i jenis yg jarang2 (mcm tak sempat -alasan) utk kemas rumah...hubby suka stay up mlm2 kemas rumah, so I bangun pagi2...tgk rumah dah kemas... i jenis yg talkative, hubby plak pendiam sikit...(tp dgn member2 dia mcm peramah jugak lah i tgk ehheeh)
I'm so lucky sgt2 to have him in my life....tu ajer...
oh yess.. ada satu fakta unik psl hubby... sejak i kenal hubby, sampailah dah 5 tahun lebih we got married...hubby tak pernah beli/pakai jeans!!! katanye dia tak biasa(dia pakai slack ajer, pegi office or leisure outings)...sbb dulu dia sekolah boarding school, tak pakai jeans... i plak tak derlah terfikir nak beli jeans for him.. until last month... I bought him a pair of jeans...on the reason that, kena pakai jeans kat UK nanti, senang nak bergerak and sbb sejuk kalau tak pakai jeans musim winter(we're flying off to UK end of December ni)... so when we went for vacation kat Awana last month, tu lah first time hubby pakai jeans that I bought him...for me of course he look nice(handsome always in my eyes :p) wearing jeans...(though he complained that he looks wierd...)...ain't that odd /funny?? ;)
7. Tarikh pyertaan diterima 18.10.2009 - 26.11.2009 (4.45ptg)--OK
( Hadiahnya dah di dalam fikiran...dirancang... Tp SURPRISEeeeeee)
Mama Zharfan
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