esok me citer :)
Wednesday, 29 February 2012
Bas jual stoberi
yum yum :)jauhnya stoberi tu masa me OTW pegi berjaya times square last two weeks
teringat time kutip stoberi kat Notts...mcm pkok ubi ajer sbb ditanam atas batas...
kat msia pun boleh petik stoberi...tapi of courselah tak sama...
moga2 ada lg peluang utk me pegi UK dan mengulangi segala kenangan yg indah2 .. suatu hari nanti...amiin...
teringat time kutip stoberi kat Notts...mcm pkok ubi ajer sbb ditanam atas batas...
kat msia pun boleh petik stoberi...tapi of courselah tak sama...
moga2 ada lg peluang utk me pegi UK dan mengulangi segala kenangan yg indah2 .. suatu hari nanti...amiin...
Ceritera prize giving | cincin emas putih bertatah berlian & permata biru
nama my SIL yg manyak ong---her name naik as one of winners...nama me tak naik :p
nama my BFF ie ayu rafikah pun ada gak :)
prize-giving semalam ie pukul 3.30 ptg kat habib jewels ampang...ramai winnersnya..hadiah semua sama utk all winners...dpt 2 paper bags ie paper bag habib & paper bag alaisyah (2 boxs krim muka)
my SIL yg comel lote :) tq emi sbb sudi meluangkan masa :) emi bz dgn her legal firm...tak henti2 layan clients' calls tuu...
ada jamuan ringan..mknn byk and sedap!! ada red velvet cuppies yg sgt besh!
comel & sedap :) ni mknn me :)
ni pic me snap masa driving balik lps prize-giving...pic muka me dgn ayu posing dgn cincin ada kat dlm DSLR tak bwk DSLR sbb maleh nak usung hehehhe
kalau ikut surat habib, cincin ni harga RM1.5k tak pernah memiliki jewellery emas putih sbb me suka emas kuning ajor :p so bila dpt FOC tersangatlah happyjakun
close up ;) ni 2nd time me menang bling2..1st time last year masa me menang earring emas putih gak tapi value RM500 ajer, from Follow Me contest--masa tu me menang bersama2 dgn my bff gak ie ezna :)
ni kotak cincin
me cilok pic dari blog ayu
note : next prize giving ialah Kleenex next week (big winning gak for me ie value RM2k)---menang atas nama mr hubby ;) syukur alhamdulillah
nama my BFF ie ayu rafikah pun ada gak :)
prize-giving semalam ie pukul 3.30 ptg kat habib jewels ampang...ramai winnersnya..hadiah semua sama utk all winners...dpt 2 paper bags ie paper bag habib & paper bag alaisyah (2 boxs krim muka)
my SIL yg comel lote :) tq emi sbb sudi meluangkan masa :) emi bz dgn her legal firm...tak henti2 layan clients' calls tuu...
ada jamuan ringan..mknn byk and sedap!! ada red velvet cuppies yg sgt besh!
comel & sedap :) ni mknn me :)
ni pic me snap masa driving balik lps prize-giving...pic muka me dgn ayu posing dgn cincin ada kat dlm DSLR tak bwk DSLR sbb maleh nak usung hehehhe
kalau ikut surat habib, cincin ni harga RM1.5k tak pernah memiliki jewellery emas putih sbb me suka emas kuning ajor :p so bila dpt FOC tersangatlah happy
close up ;) ni 2nd time me menang bling2..1st time last year masa me menang earring emas putih gak tapi value RM500 ajer, from Follow Me contest--masa tu me menang bersama2 dgn my bff gak ie ezna :)
ni kotak cincin
me cilok pic dari blog ayu
note : next prize giving ialah Kleenex next week (big winning gak for me ie value RM2k)---menang atas nama mr hubby ;) syukur alhamdulillah
Tuesday, 28 February 2012
BIG winning | 3d2n Phuket Holiday worth RM3k from Ambi Pur Contest
tghari semlm mr hubby dpt antar one entry ajer--nama mr hubby...lucky draw based, so tak menaruh harapan sgt pun...rezeki alhamdulillah..dpt cuti2 Phuket (flight tix + hotel ) worth RM3k
ni contest formnya...
nak kena pegi collect the voucher and then buat travel arrangement...
byk gak t&c voucher ni...due date pun dh dekat ie end of May...
note : 5th winning for Feb 2012
ni contest formnya...
nak kena pegi collect the voucher and then buat travel arrangement...
byk gak t&c voucher ni...due date pun dh dekat ie end of May...
part yg tak besh..nak kena bayar sendiri airport tax ie RM418 for one pax, so kalau dua org dh dekat RM1k---tak mampu me...
dlm t&c kat contest form kata boleh tukar destinasi..hopefully dpt lah somewhere yg mampu me bayar airport taxnya...dlm msia pun ok esp sabah sarawak sbb lom pernah sampai kat sana..
me pernah menang travel voucher thn 2009 from contest johnson2, asalnya holiday kat Bali, me tukar pegi langkawi, siap bwk my mom lagi...and FOC tak pyh bayar apa2 pun :)
note : 5th winning for Feb 2012
Monday, 27 February 2012
Something that I wrote in MIDI (Karangkraf magazine) 1 Mac 2012
me bukan pembaca tetap magz MDI ni..sbb it is targetted for readers age 40+, biasanya me pinjam baca my elder sis punya, that's the way bagaiman me tahu kewujudan majalah ni..anyway content nya not bad..byk benda2 menarik esp psl rumah tangga :)
and ada one segment utk kita hantar kisah cuti2 me pun tulislah citer psl cuti2 Paris...last year ada penaja utk segment ni..tak sure plak sama ada me akan dpt hadiah ker tak for my writing ni...(hadiahnya 3d2n hotel stay kat Kedah)..harap2 dpt ler heeheheh
anyway, me tulis citer ni as part of my kenangan terindah cuti2 Paris...:)
me tulis 2 siri ie siri 1 eiffel tower, siri 2 disneyland paris :)
ni cover MIDI 1 Mac..magz ni terbit 2 kali sebulan, harga murah ajer ie RM4.20
note : tika & saat ini dlm otak me hanya target & plan nak gi umrah sbb mr hubby dpt call tghari td psl menang cuti2 obersi (negara jiran ajer), so nak kena plan/pikir plak lah mcm mana kalau nak pegi ber4 instead of berdua...
and ada one segment utk kita hantar kisah cuti2 me pun tulislah citer psl cuti2 Paris...last year ada penaja utk segment ni..tak sure plak sama ada me akan dpt hadiah ker tak for my writing ni...(hadiahnya 3d2n hotel stay kat Kedah)..harap2 dpt ler heeheheh
anyway, me tulis citer ni as part of my kenangan terindah cuti2 Paris...:)
me tulis 2 siri ie siri 1 eiffel tower, siri 2 disneyland paris :)
ni cover MIDI 1 Mac..magz ni terbit 2 kali sebulan, harga murah ajer ie RM4.20
Won holiday tapi tix (MAS flight) for 2 pax only
Sweet & romantic | cilok pic Lisa & Yusry dari FB David Teo
Sweet sour
finally it's over...the event yg i jd ketua tu...dua hari me berkampung di UIA....
semlm pun dekat2 pukul 8 mlm baru me sampai balik kat umah..
byk sweet & sour sepanjang event tu...sour lebih terasa lah sbb me deal dgn benda hidup ie org kan (6 delegates from law school/public universiti)...mcm2 kerenah perangai yg menguji kesabaran, yg membuatkan muka me merah pdm, tension etc etc
enuff said...moga2 hari ni tak de monday blues :)
esok prize-giving contest jewel al-aisyah (hadiah habib jewels) :)
have a nice day uolls!
semlm pun dekat2 pukul 8 mlm baru me sampai balik kat umah..
byk sweet & sour sepanjang event tu...sour lebih terasa lah sbb me deal dgn benda hidup ie org kan (6 delegates from law school/public universiti)...mcm2 kerenah perangai yg menguji kesabaran, yg membuatkan muka me merah pdm, tension etc etc
enuff said...moga2 hari ni tak de monday blues :)
esok prize-giving contest jewel al-aisyah (hadiah habib jewels) :)
have a nice day uolls!
Sunday, 26 February 2012
animasi tempatan bertaraf antarabangsa | SeeFood -- must watch!
tak sbr nak tgk filem ni...
ada iras2 movie nemo kot sbb psl ikan kan hehehhe
ni me amik dari SINI
ada iras2 movie nemo kot sbb psl ikan kan hehehhe
ni me amik dari SINI
SeeFood telah ditayangkan di 90 buah negara luar contohnya seperti di Amerika Utara, Eropah, Amerika Latin dan Asia pada tahun lepas. Akan ditayangkan di Malaysia pada 8 Mac 2012 ni di 80 buah panggung seluruh Malaysia.
Info mengenai filem ini :Berlatar belakangkan eko-sistem sekitar kita, Seafood mengisahkan tentang seekor anak jerung bernama Pup yang mempunyai misi untuk mencari sekumpulan pemburu haram yang telah mencuri sebilangan telur-telur dari kawasan perairannya di mana pengembaraannya yang penuh dengan aksi-aksi lucu bukan sahaja di dalam air, malahan di darat.Pup berusaha untuk menyelamatkan abang-abang dan kakaknya tanpa memikirkan keselamatan nyawanya. Pup telah sampai ke dunia daratan yang ada watak Man. Di daratan Pup tidak menyangka ada bahaya jugak menanti dia di sana.Khuatir akan keselamatan Pup, Julius, seekor jerung berinsang putih muncul dengan misinya yang tersendiri untuk menyelamatkan kawan karibnya. Pup dan Julius memakai sut khas supaya mereka berupaya mengembara di daratan.
- SeeFood telah memenangi 3 anugerah animasi pada tahun lepas iaitu dalam kategori
- Animator 3d Terbaik, Kompositor/Vfx
- Animasi Terbaik dan
- Montaj Animasi Terbaik.
- Pengarah: Goh Aun Hoe
- SeeFood dibiayai menerusi geran dana e-kandungan Kementerian Sains, Teknologi dan Alam Sekitar (MOSTI).
- Seefood mengambil masa selama 2 tahun 4 bulan untuk disiapkan sepenunhya.
- Menerima hasil sentuhan dari 35 orang pelukis animasi
- SeeFood dikategorikan filem animasi berbahasa Inggeris pertama di Malaysia.
- Durasi tayangan ialah 90 minit.
I don't drink coffee..not at all
three things that most people love but i don't...not at all..
coffee, choc cake and anything with chocs ;)
just wanna share a story about..
Cawan dan kopi / The Cup and the Coffee
A group of alumni, highly established in their careers, got together to visit their old university professor. Conversation soon turned into complaints about stress in work and life. Offering his guests coffee, the professor went to the kitchen and returned with a large pot of coffee and an assortment of cups - porcelain, plastic, glass, crystal, some plain looking, some expensive, some exquisite. He told the group to help themselves to the coffee.
When all the students had a cup of coffee in hand, the professor said: "If you noticed, all the nice looking expensive cups were taken up, leaving behind the plain and cheap ones. While it is normal for you to want only the best for yourselves, that is the source of your problems and stress. Be assured that the cup itself adds no quality to the coffee. In most cases it is just more expensive and in some cases even hides what we drink. What all of you really wanted was coffee, not the cup, but you consciously went for the best cups......
And then you began eyeing each other's cups.
Now consider this:
Lesson Learnt :
"The happiest people don't have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything. Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God.
happy weekends uolls!! me tak de weekends for this week :(--- yesterday & today berkampung di UIA sbb event Jessup Moots Competition
coffee, choc cake and anything with chocs ;)
just wanna share a story about..
Cawan dan kopi / The Cup and the Coffee
A group of alumni, highly established in their careers, got together to visit their old university professor. Conversation soon turned into complaints about stress in work and life. Offering his guests coffee, the professor went to the kitchen and returned with a large pot of coffee and an assortment of cups - porcelain, plastic, glass, crystal, some plain looking, some expensive, some exquisite. He told the group to help themselves to the coffee.
When all the students had a cup of coffee in hand, the professor said: "If you noticed, all the nice looking expensive cups were taken up, leaving behind the plain and cheap ones. While it is normal for you to want only the best for yourselves, that is the source of your problems and stress. Be assured that the cup itself adds no quality to the coffee. In most cases it is just more expensive and in some cases even hides what we drink. What all of you really wanted was coffee, not the cup, but you consciously went for the best cups......
And then you began eyeing each other's cups.
Now consider this:
Life is the coffee; the jobs, money and position in society are the cups.
They are just tools to hold and contain Life, and the type of cup we have does not define, nor change the quality of the Life we live.
Sometimes, by concentrating only on the cup, we fail to enjoy the coffeeLesson Learnt :
"The happiest people don't have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything. Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God.
Saturday, 25 February 2012
It's part of my big winnings | 8 Disney On Ice Tickets from Kordel Contest
Alhamdulillah...both nama me & hubby won the same prizes..kiranya kami ni two out of total 10 winners :)--me antar one entry (pic zharfan) under my name, and another one pic ariff under mr hubby's name....beli 2 botol vit C Kordel, harga sebotol dua botol RM50, me guna voucher yg me menang contest gak utk beli one of the 2 bottles :) tq Kordel!!! :) sungguh efficient tu..contest closed 20th feb, result 23rd feb, 24th feb (semlm) hadiah dh selamat diterima via courier (Nationwide)
Tix ni..8 pieces total value RM1,080.00
siyes me teringin nak menyaksikan show ni...apakan daya timing tak kena dgn jadual me...Insya Allah thn2 akan dtg me nak watch the show live :)
note : 4th winning for Feb 2012
Tix ni..8 pieces total value RM1,080.00
siyes me teringin nak menyaksikan show ni...apakan daya timing tak kena dgn jadual me...Insya Allah thn2 akan dtg me nak watch the show live :)
note : 4th winning for Feb 2012
Friday, 24 February 2012
Dua beradik aktif sertai peraduan setiap hari
SOLD OUT -- Disney On Ice 2012 Tickets (4 pieces) for sale | almost 50% discount
update 25/2/2012 : SOLD OUT!!!
just now i dh terima 4 keping Disney On Ice Tickets--shownya kat Penang
details of the tix:
Price stated on each tix RM104.25 (price ni after discount 25%)
Date : 11/3/2012, time : 2.30 pm
Seat number :
Lower Tier, Block L5, Row E, Seat 9
Lower Tier, Block L5, Row E, Seat 10
Lower Tier, Block L5, Row E, Seat 11
Lower Tier, Block L5, Row E, Seat 12
I'm selling off at RM 60 per tix--kena amik all 4 tixs
if less that 4 tixs, I'm selling it at RM70
1st come 1st serve.
COD area gombak/KL.
if delivery, via poslaju, tapi cost will be borne by the buyer.
my email :
mobile : 012-9741376
just now i dh terima 4 keping Disney On Ice Tickets--shownya kat Penang
details of the tix:
Price stated on each tix RM104.25 (price ni after discount 25%)
Date : 11/3/2012, time : 2.30 pm
Seat number :
Lower Tier, Block L5, Row E, Seat 9
Lower Tier, Block L5, Row E, Seat 10
Lower Tier, Block L5, Row E, Seat 11
Lower Tier, Block L5, Row E, Seat 12
I'm selling off at RM 60 per tix--kena amik all 4 tixs
if less that 4 tixs, I'm selling it at RM70
1st come 1st serve.
COD area gombak/KL.
if delivery, via poslaju, tapi cost will be borne by the buyer.
my email :
mobile : 012-9741376
Tema winter garden sangat sweet | Tahniah Yusry & Lisa
kebykn blog update psl wedding of the year Yusry & Lisa...sbb me minat both of them so me pun nak tepek gaklah pic pengantin baru ni :)
credit beautifulnara

sweet sungguh winter garden theme tu...
moga both of them bahagia hingga akhir hayat & cepat2 dpt baby..amiin
credit beautifulnara
sweet sungguh winter garden theme tu...
moga both of them bahagia hingga akhir hayat & cepat2 dpt baby..amiin
Thursday, 23 February 2012
Rezeki hari ini | memang tix Disney on Ice worth RM540
pg tadi me dpt call..that me one of 10 winners to win the Disney Tix on Ice worth RM540...the contest was organized by Kordel..
contest ni submit pic bday my kids..
the PIC said that the tix will be couried to me..may be next week dpt lah kot..
Disney on Ice show tu 9-11 March kat Penang....tapiiiiii....10-11 March i kena jd trainer utk 1citizen tak dpt nak gi cuti2 Penang :(
rather than rasanya tix ni nak kena let go lah...hopefully sempat jual (murah2)..sbb dh last minute gak ni
contest ni submit pic bday my kids..
the PIC said that the tix will be couried to me..may be next week dpt lah kot..
Disney on Ice show tu 9-11 March kat Penang....tapiiiiii....10-11 March i kena jd trainer utk 1citizen tak dpt nak gi cuti2 Penang :(
rather than rasanya tix ni nak kena let go lah...hopefully sempat jual (murah2)..sbb dh last minute gak ni
MAKAN itu suatu nikmat
lps abis main2 kat cosmo theme park, perut mula papa bwk MZ & kids pegi lunch kat Nandos ---memang kami laki bini gemar mkn ayam bakar cap nandos ni--masa kat UK, kami kerap mkn ayam bakar cap Kyber Pass ;)
sbb lapar, so tak de pic sebelum..cuma ada pic selepas ajer
total bila RM69...memang sekali/dua kali sebulan ajer kami mkn2 kat nandos sbb kerap mkn kat sini, rabaklah poket jwbnya ;)
Alhamdulillah...mkn apa2 yg kita suka and then rasa kenyang adalah nikmat yg tidak ternilai harganya :)
happy lunch uolls!
sbb lapar, so tak de pic sebelum..cuma ada pic selepas ajer
total bila RM69...memang sekali/dua kali sebulan ajer kami mkn2 kat nandos sbb kerap mkn kat sini, rabaklah poket jwbnya ;)
Alhamdulillah...mkn apa2 yg kita suka and then rasa kenyang adalah nikmat yg tidak ternilai harganya :)
happy lunch uolls!
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