and the best part is...they are free gift for the review that me made about
the mugs are sooo nice...and my sis said she loves it soo much and she wanna order for herself too... soon..
thanks a bunch to for such a wonderful gift!!
to my blogger frens, feel free to join promo, before it ends :) -->'Blog Us For Gifts'....
happy me,
comeyyyyyyyyyy...nanti nk order jugop lah..hehehe..mahal dop?
order jgn tak order..kalau tak silap harga RM35 utk one pair like this..kalau nak free, just join the promo (ie write review about the site)!!
wow teruja nye tgk mug tu. lawa sgt2. maybe sebab gambar dia pn cantik hehenesin
adda : tq for the compliment...jom la buat review..then dpt free mug yg lawa itu ;)
sweetnya....dh lama dh plan k mug gini...nizar lak, nk beli mug, yg leh masukkan pic jd cover luar tu..kt starbuck kan ada jual ;p tp cm ni lg besh
tak mahal emi...RM35 jer harga dia kalau nak beli (me dpt free- tu yg rasa lg best ;) ...yg nizar nak tu..rasa mcm pernah dgr/ tak sure...ada jual kat mana2 ker?
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