the best part...all my 3 BFFs memang blogger and kami semua dpt the same invites!! so cepat2 ler masing alertkan each other to reply to confirm our attendance
then the person in charge (sophia), reply ckp bwk my boys pakai tema prince--hohoho my boys tak de bj tema prince :p kalau gegirl lainlah, mesti ada bj ditakdirkan tak de zuriat perempuan..boboy pun alhamdulillah :)
note : siyes dh berzaman me tak attend event--so looking fwd to attend this one, esp sbb under disney :) suka goodies yg cute miut!!!
cikgu pun tumpang excited hehe
xpernah lak dapat event2 macam ni..hoho..tapi kalo dapat pon,sah2 tak leh pegi
nak kene cari topi ala2 prince hehe
ila pun dapat tapi..hummmm... hsbd takde masa nie..
enjoy may be tak leh gi...sob sob..
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