nama mr hubby terpilih sbg salah seorg lucky winners utk bln december...:)
memang sgt2 lucky lah saper2 yg terpilih...see all the entries....sgt ramai tu yg join!
and then me dh gi amik goodie bag conso prize utk contest nst rail to europe...tak dpt gi europe lg lah sbb tak menang GP...
dpt merchandize suka keychain yg sgt cute tu!
it was a proper prize-giving ceremony by NST..sbb all sponsors dtg ie KLM dan rail to europe...
gigih me drive pegi opis nst kat jln riong..ada jamuan lps PG...GP winner tak dtg pun...conso winners..out of 10, 3 org jer yg dtg...:p
happy thursday uolls!
best tu... tahniah suzi.. rezeki betul lah dari rezeki tu kan
tahniah..dpt cash 1k yg lot100
bestnya menang hadiah.... congrats...alhamdulillah
grats suzz :)
merchandize pun ok pe....bestnye dpt hadiah.
tahniah mz!
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