Friday 2 July 2010

a blissful friday - me menang contest meaning of love! :)

baru siap tulis entry pls comping, then me nampak mj left comment kat my shoubox..that me won contest meaning of love!!

jumaat yg penuh barakah!! :) :) menang contest meaning of love...

result click HERE!!

tq mj!! tq so much sbb sudi pilih my entry as the winner :) and congrats to other winners too!!

those yg belum baca and rasa rajin nak baca-->>my winning (true, touching) story is HERE!

feeling blessed,


tiefazatie said...

wah..sgt murah rezeki sis..tahniah..=)

Anonymous said...

congratz :)
tu la. semua bagus2.
sukar jugak pilih..
tapi urs memang touching.
wait for the present next week eh.
Tak sempat post by this week.

Sheherazade said...

tahniah mama zharfan... :)


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