Saturday 28 August 2010

ada ker org tak suka T.E.A??

me memang peminum teh tegar...bukan teh hijau, tp teh biasa..with sugar, and without milk ie teh 'o'...breakfast me memang WAJIB minum tea..kalau tak rasa mcm tak best jer....
and me tak minum kopi/nescafe..not at all!!

so bln2 puasa ni, me minum teh 'o' ais masa berbukak and masa sahur, me mkn roti cicah teh 'o' suam :)

kat UK ni, me suka English breakfast antara tea yg selalu me beli.. kat Msia me suka teh boh and kdg2 beli jugak lipton (sbb nak smuk contest hehe)

and me tak suka tea yg ada flavour like strawberry, mint etc..and me tak suka jugak chinese tea or green tea sbb rasa plain ajer (those tea kan without sugar :p)

me try google psl bagus tak minum tea ni..

Drinking three or more cups of tea a day is as good for you as drinking plenty of water and may even have extra health benefits, say researchers.
The work in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition dispels the common belief that tea dehydrates.
Tea not only rehydrates as well as water does, but it can also protect against heart disease and some cancers, UK nutritionists found.
Experts believe flavonoids are the key ingredient in tea that promote health
Source : 

uolls suka minum teh ker? 


Ammi Sara said...

i love tea too.
i prefer it with sugar n creamer english style (x boleh lari pengaruh english ni) hehe..

oh ye, nottinghams brings back memories even tho cant remember all very well, i was still soo young when baba did his degree there :-)

Pija Madzlan said...

rumah kami ni sehari 2 kali bancuh teh, sekali bancuh 2 liter (anak ramai la katakan....)....hoho...

Liyana Shuib said...

sangat suka teh juga. Teh lipton tambah gula je. Tapi ramai cakap teh hanya boleh minum secawan sehari je. Sbb die pn ada kafein kan? ye ke? huhu

Farra Dhelina said...

suka jugak..lagi suka yg perasa strwbry heee

* tp sy klu minum selalu , nnti buang air bsr, ssh sikit hehehe

Latifah said...

oooo teh tarik n teh ais paling sedap bagi saya. yahahahha...

tapi i like coffe more than tea.
errr coffeholic???? ^^,

♫::: m[e]n!t! s[e]nja :::♫ said...

minum air suam jew...

Sheherazade said...

me coffe addict huhu

love,teh sabah perisa geranium :)

zahidah dihaz said...

saya pun minum tea...kalau boleh tak nak coffee or nescafe..nak tea je..hehehe

♥ ♥ said...

eira tea pun minum..
hehehe n kopi n nescafe paling suka..
kalu time study eira minum nescafe la.. konon x nak bg ngantuk..haha

nur said...

terpanggil nak share sini.. my makcik memang takboleh minum tea.. nanti debar2 katanya


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