Tuesday 20 December 2011

dh survey pun tempat ni...

i'll be here for 3 days starting from tomorrow sampai jumaat--nak kena bermlm kat sini :(  sbb ada taklimat waktu mlm masa 1st day event ni....tapi me akan bwk my lappy and katanya ada wi-fi...so tak terputus lah me dari dunia maya hehehe

note : selalu berat hati bab2 outstation yg melibatkan overnite stay...


Wan Amira said...

oh yes, takpe insyaAllah... your anak2 are just a call away.. they will be fine under your hubby's care

Ezna Khalili said...

me pun berat kalau overnite tanpa orang tersayang....rasanyer tak pernah....

Ijah EmoTemo said...

hehe , as long as ada wifi , ok la kan hehe

Unknown said...

skype ngan anak2 kak!!

Hudalatip said...

me too, kalau bawak family sendiri ok jugak kan..

deqlis said...

wah best jugak sekali sekala overnite nie:)

Oyis said...

ni kat mana ye kak suzie? kursus apa ni?


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