MZ order dari pixajoy..amik hardcover, size 8x11.5 (RM69)--agak mahal sbb hard cover
MZ beli direct dari website pixajoy, actually kalau beli voucher kat 11 street or lazada, ada yg lg murah harganya..
kenangan terindah MZ and mom...sweetest memory ever!
ti amo sweetheart hahahha
teringin nak gi holiday obersi lagi soon..moga2 ada rezeki..amiin
tak sangka dh 2x kali MZ cuti2 sydney ;) 2nd time ni super special sbb my mom and my adik ikut sama2
puas ati dgn kualiti dan servis pixajoy (memang terima within the estimated time 4-6 working days from date of order)
now tgh tunggu lg 2 buah photobook, satu pics cuti2 cameron ari tu dan satu lg pics cuti2 spore last year...

cantik2... Ayu pun suka buat pixajoy photobook sekarang. kualiti tip top & service yg sgt cepat
kualiti gambar pun nampak cantik :D
syok bila photobook dh smp..lamanya tk mendesign photobook
Tak pernah tempah di pixajoy lagi..Nak kena cuba..
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