masa 1st time bersalin..MZ tak tahu pun psl epidural ni...then MZ dgr psl epidural ni dari my sil...dia memang amik epidural for all 3 kali dia bersalin and it works for her very well ie time contraction tu jd rasa tak MZ pun teringin nak try amik..
time bersalin kali kedua..MZ plan nak request epidural sbb time tu MZ bersalin dgn cara induce (time preggy 38w), and serviks mcm bukak cepat gak (ie induce tghari, ptg dh bersalin) so tak sempat gak MZ amik epidural..sbb memang kena request awal2 kalau nak amik epidural ni..sbbnya kat KBMC tak de pakar bius, kena panggil pakar bius dari hospital there goes my 2nd delivery..lom sempat rasa epidural
so kali ketiga bersalin..MZ memang beria2 request epidural MZ masuk labour room pukul 4 ptg, time tu bukaan 4 cm..then pukul 5 pm, pakar bius (doctor lelaki muda dari USM--lupa plak nama dia)..dtg bg epidural ni...
pengalaman pertama..debar2 lah...prosedurnya tak lama sgt..around 15 min..MZ duduk time kena cucuk dan masuk tiub tu..kena peluk bantal sbb tak boleh bergerak..
sakit ker tak?
tak sakit..cuma time masuk tiub and ubat tu mengalir melalui tulang belakang..time ni agak sakit..rasa mcm kena renjatan elektrik!! kejap jer...then siap lah..
so contraction MZ mcm mana? from 4 cm to 7 cm..tak sakit lps tu..contraction jd sakit jugak..lebih kurang time tak amik epidural ajer MZ rasa sakit contraction from 8-10 pm ie 2 hours sblm baby kuar...time nak push memang Tuhan ajer tahu betapa sakitnya contraction that point of time..memang tak de effect langsung epidural ni...
MZ siap request utk naikkan dos ubat epi ni..sbb doc pakar bius tu memang tak de kat labour room pun..nurse called him and dia bg instruction via phone jer...
ni info psl epidural..
What is an epidural?
epidural is where painkilling drugs are passed into the small of your
back via a fine tube. It is called a regional anaesthetic, which means
the drug is injected around the nerves that carry signals from the part
of your body that feels pain when you're in labour. The result will be
that your belly feels numb, giving you very effective pain relief.
How is an epidural put in place?
anaesthetist will give you an injection of local anaesthetic in your
lower back. She then guides a hollow needle between the small bones in
your spine.
The needle goes into the space between the layers of tissue in your
spinal column, called the epidural space. A fine tube, or catheter, is
then passed through the needle.
Once the tube is in place, the needle is removed. The tube is taped up your back and over your shoulder.
pic dari google..posisi MZ mcm ni lah time kena cucuk kat tulang belakang MZ duduk kat atas katil and MZ peluk bantal erat2 time kena cucuk
epidural ni berbeza2 effectnya depending on individual..ada yg tak rasa sakit langsung time contraction sampai doctor yg kena guide utk push..MZ plak..tak sakit time 4-7cm jer..lps tu sakit mcm tak de epidural jerr...
kos epidural lat KBMC around RM500, tak mahal pun..kalau kat KL of course mahal lah kosnya..and rasanya kat hosp gomen, tak leh sesuka hati ler nak request epi ni kan heheh
apa2 pun..pengalaman pertama memang penuh debaran dan penuh expectation...wpun tak hilang contraction at least it works for the 1st few hours of my contraction tu..
and lps baby kuar, time doc nak jahit tu..rasa mcm kuat/tak sakit plak..MZ siap bersembang2 dgn doc Lily tu..doc kata memang patient yg amik epi ni akan rasa sgt ok lps setel bersalin, sbb effect epi tulah kot..
salam hari isnin..#15th day ari ni MZ berpantang..