EOG is currently running a
contest, which is in appreciation of their clients and ex-clients. The prize is extremely fabulous -->
1 (one ) canvas print of the size 16 x 24 inches!!The contest requires the participants to share what have they done with the pics taken by EOG. Being one of the happy ex-clients of Eyes of Grace, let me then just try my luck...so here is my entry..
Well...My 'biz relation' with EOG started when I was introduced to Zubye thru my good friend, Ezna..
At that time, I was still in Nottingham, UK. Ezna had the EOG to photoshoot her daughter's 3rd bday party @McDonalds.
From there, without a second thought, I quickly booked EOG to capture all the sweet moments during my Zharfan's 3rd bday party at KFC Wangsa Maju in May 2008! Ever since. I'm one of the many regular fans cum visitors to
EOG's blog/site to view all the pics collection!! Honestly, I really admire Zubye for all her passion, creativity and high quality of pics taken, so the charge/rate simply commensurates the quality of the pics.
So what did I do with all the pics taken by EOG then???First, I uploaded all the pics into picasaweb, so that all my friends & relatives can view it. here is the
link ~ I sent them email giving them the above link...I couldn't stop smiling when they complimented about the quality of the pics, nice shot etc...I even promoted EOG to them, giving them the
link to EOG!then, I selected some pics from the 3 cds (total 476 pics) to be printed. The purpose is to put them in the PHOTO FRAMES!!!I'm obsessed with collecting photo frames, as I love to display my pics in the lovely frames! In fact, these photo frames together with the pics (especially those taken by EOG) are a MUST decoration at home - almost at every corner of living room, kitchen, and most importantly in Zharfan's bedroom cum toys room. Not forgetting at my office too!
most of the photo frames I bought when I was in Nottingham (year 2007).. I found that the frame design is somehow sweet & unique - just nice to hold the lovely and high quality of the pics. Some of the printed pics (some were printed by Zubye as part of the photoshoot package), I placed them in a special album which is meant for my Zharfan birthday pics!
On top of that, the pics have been my desktop wallpaper on my pc office, pc at home as well as my laptop - I love changing the wallpaper pics from time to time, as I have more than 400 pics taken by EOG!!
Talking about the cds, all the 3 cds have been safely copied onto my pc office, pc at home as well as my laptop, so that I can view all the pics anytime I wish to...especially when I was under pressure, tense or feel bored in the office! Nothing is nicer than having a break by viewing all the pics again and again with a smile on my face!!
To Zubye, thanks from my heart for capturing the sweet moments of my Zharfan 3rd birthday...Insya Allah, I would need your great photoshoot service again in the future for my second boy - my lil Ariff!! May your biz prosper, keep up the good work and all the best yer Zubye!
Till then,
Mama Zharfan & Ariff
10.30 am