Sooo excited to see lots of contest for mommy bloggers lately, offering attractive prizes <-- this is always the BEST part!
Hence, this entry is for me to try my luck for the above contest --> I LOVE TUPPERWARE organized by Mama Lieya.
First, let’s check out what are the rules & regulations:
“1. Add blog Mama_lieya di bloglist anda dan menjadi FOLLOWER Mama_Lieya
2.Upload banner contest kat sidebar anda
3.Buat entry khas ngan tajuk "I LOVE TUPPERWARE" & upload gmbr anda.
- model boleh sesiapa sahaja..anda sendiri..anak...suami..adik..kakak..ibu..ayah..nenek..
- brand tapawe..apa2 saja..(bagi chance utk yang tak de barangan tupperware lagi)
4. Lengkapkan Slogan.." Saya suka brand tupperware kerana...(tidak lebih 15 pp)
5. Dalam entry itu pastikan anda link kan ke Mama_Lieya..Bila dah siap..tinggalkan komen di entry ini.
6. Pemenang akan dipilih berdasarkan slogan dan gambar yang kreatif dan menarik..
7. Hadiah untuk pemenang..adalah barangan brand tupperware..
PERINGATAN : Pastikan hanya satu gambar sahaja ntuk satu penyertaan.”
I’ve already added Mama’s Lieya’s in my blog list, become the follower and have uploaded the contest banner as well. So rules 1-3 are done!
Now, doing the entry on the above title, and the pic for the contest…
YESS..my Zharfan is the model for this contest (who else anyway :p …)..my boy was posing with couple of ‘whatever wares’ (not Tupperware definitely),and this pic is specially and purposely snapped for this contest, location --> Carrefour Wangsa Maju, while Mama Zharfan was doing some groceries shopping yesterday!
Now, the slogan part :
“Saya suka brand Tupperware kerana…
kualitinya seiring dengan gaya, jenama terkemuka dulu kini dan selamanya, rekaan mempesona hati teruja!”
Actually, I’ve prepared another slogan in English, so not to waste my idea, here is the slogan :
“I love Tupperware brand because…
Trustworthy, Unique, Perfect storage, Pleasurable, Eye-catching, Reliable, Wonderful, All-time-my-favourite, Reasonably priced, Excellent!”
I hope to win this contest(who doesn't want to win anyway..:p ) as Tupperware has been my favourite brand since time immemorial (YESS, THIS IS VERY-VERY TRUE!!), and the product has always been my family choice for perfect, practical and stylish food storage and container-->usually my mom, my sis and my brother are the one who make the purchase from the Tupperware dealers :p ..
And I wanna win because I LOVE TUPPERWARE!!!
Last but not least, thanks Mama Lieya for organizing this contest!! Have a nice day and enjoyable parenthood yer!
Till then,
Mama Zharfan & Ariff
6 pm
wahhhh....comelnya zharfan bersama tupperware....mmg ada gaya model la anak u suzi...love to read your slogan..gluck
wanie pun suka tupperware..tahan lama..
salam kenal..good luck untuk contest ni
thanks ayu & wanie! :)
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