Wednesday 15 April 2020

Happy 11th Birthday my lil Ariff!

today 11 years ago, we were blessed with our 2nd child, Ahmad Ariff Shah
so hari ni dh genap 11 tahun usia our lil Ariff...mcm cepat jer masa berlalu...

korek2 box dlm stor, jumpa lilin huruf ni..beli kat nottingham lagi ni...memang simpan beria sbb rasa cuteeee sgt all these candles

dan besday tahun ni super spesel sbb jatuh masa tempoh tak dapat nak celebrate mkn2 kat luar
tp jap lg MZ nak kuar beli kek dan mr hubby belanja tapau nandos(take-away) part of Ariff''s bday's celebration

so sbb belum lg snap2 latest besday pics, ni MZ tepek dulu gmbr2 previous besday yg ada kat FB throwback

To our beloved lil Ariff
Mama, Papa, Abg Zharfan and Razee n love u so much
We make doa for u always, for your happiness and success , dunia akhirat


Adelaide Dupont said...

Happy birthday Ariff!

Loved seeing the photos of your growing up.

May Allah bless you.

Thank you Mama Zharfan and family

Mama Zharfan said...

@Adelaide Dupont : Thanks for the wish and prayers. I pray the same for you.
Thanks for dropping your comment. Really appreciate it


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