Monday 2 August 2010

and me won again...from Disney Kleenex ---it's a lego Toy Story ;)

Alhamdulillah, me murah rezeki with Disney Kleenex Lucky Draw online contest...
me one of the conso winners for June contest

here is the prize..

worth GBP 19.90 (approx RM100 :))

now tgh demam toy story kat cni ie mcm2 merchandize toy story sold zharfan dh beli stationery toys story (kaler pencil set, pencil case, note book, magz :p)

and another lil winning - conso in Daddy Cute becoz of me contest ;)

note : result my GA will be released tonite!!!

happy mommy,


Wan Amira said...

congrats!! suzie, i tak nampak kene tagging pun heheh ke mate i dah speroo

Nigina said...

wah menang lagi... tahniah... hehehe..... syoknya..

shidasyakirin said...

bestnya...rezeki berganda-ganda!!

♫::: m[e]n!t! s[e]nja :::♫ said...

berganda n berganda n berganda...

T@sh Sch@ said...


asik2 dapatttt jerr...
tuah anak2 betol ...
& restu suami la ni yer kak

tahniahhh ...
anto sini skit kalu dapat lagi ...

Suziey Ahmad said...

alhamdulillah tahniah suzie..awk mmg bertuah..u deserve it anyway..setiap usaha pasti akn menampakkan hasil:) kita xrajin nk join global xdela global jenis yg luar2 pnya contest la selain blog..hiks:D so utk org xrajin xleh nk kata ape la;..ekekek:D

nur_eimi said...


mrs.ecam said...

alaahai ni klu ank aku nmpk menan toi stori ni mau die guling2 nak jugakkk...huuuuuuu

maslinamansor said...

taniah suzie...
rezeki nak menyambut ramadan... :)

miszes ugly said...

wah menang lagi.
sangat jelez


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