Monday 15 October 2018

Keeping memories fresh & alive

selain dari FB throwback...
salah satu cara utk selalu cherish all those sweet memories and meaningful phases in life is via pics...

wpun nowadays majority gmbr tersimpan as soft copy dlm smartphone or lappy (except those yg dh dijadikan photobook)..MZ prefer to have a print out/hard copy version gak for selected pics..boleh letak dlm frame gmbr..(selain lekat kat white board dlm office MZ)

antara event paling bermakna dlm kehidupan most of all, termasuk gmbr just after akad nikah on 16 July 2004.

ni antara some of photoframe kat dlm bilik MZ... ada gmbr kat seoul (2015), kat sydney australia (2013), pic ariff  kat notts (2010-2011), kat fraser hill (honeymoon thn 2004), gmbr masa kawin dan gmbr kat disneyland paris (March 2011)

never stop in counting all the blessings..
we live in our own timeframe...masa berbeza utk fasa kehidupan yg berbeza dan milestone yg berbeza...

salam hari isnin
have a nice day everyone!


AyuArjuna BiGoshh said...

a good reminder...

Ezna Khalili said...

wow...gambar masa kahwin tu...


dalam pc kekdang hilang kan? bila pc jem je semua pun lesap.banyak kali dah kena.. print jugak kat photobook


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