it was a last minute staycation as proposed by mr hubby, ie to check in after office hours 15th sept, sbb 16th sept jumaat tu kan public MZ booking via agoda just a day before we checked in tuuu....
actually dh agak 'lama' weolls tak staycation satu family...the last one was before fasting month which was few months ago...dan sekrg every saturday and sunday memang tak dpt nak staycation sbb zharfan terikat dgn his driving classes and SPM seminars/workshops..
anyway, for this entry, MZ just nak tepek 3 short videos--for future memories
ni room tour..
ni time buffet breakfast
ni swimming pool
full story in next entry

1 comment:
Staycation dekat2 ni best juga. Kat sini ada theme park pulak tu.
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