So here is my copy paste from Bettyone blog:
: : Winners of Winners : :
Announcing the lucky winners for the most favourite Funny Birthday Moment Photo Contest picked by the all-star judges. Jeng...jeng...jeng...

*it is not your photo?*
*scroll for the 2'nd winner!*
*scroll for the 2'nd winner!*
*still, it is not yours?*
*better luck next time, good luck!*
CONGRATULATIONS to the winners! A big THANK YOU to all participants. SORRY for any inconvenience caused. (those yg kurang bernasib baik tu..cuba lagik next time..eh?)*better luck next time, good luck!*
P/S: Winners are advised to email their details to miss_bettyone@yahoo.com for the ease of prize delivery:)
[+] Name
[+] Address
[+] Handphone Number
Till then,
Mama Zharfan
9.40 am
~my cozy lil office~
Wah!Wah!Menang sakan ni!Tahniah!
tq hanz ;)
congrates ye..nanti join contest kt blog kita plak
tq mama tisya! memang nak join, tp tak de plak pic yg memenuhi criteria tu...kalau sempat snap latest pic nanti i join...;)
gamba tu mmg kelakar ok!
thanks farah for the compliment ;)
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