Ariff in Stars of Pureen section (one of conso winners..) the pic was taken at Tiara Beach Resort sometime in August this year..

Zharfan in Fiffy Happy Holidays section - the pic was taken at Cameron Highlands early this year (when Ariff was still in Mama's tummy :p)--

Thanks Parenthood/Today Publishing!! ;)

Note : To my comper buddies, ayu-congrats for winning jusco vouchers (RM150) in Jacob e-raya card contest, and congratssss to jj for winning the GP in the same contest -->RM2K jusco vouchers <--that's a lot!!!!!!!!!
Smiling & proud mom..
Mama Zharfan & Ariff
Bestnya Mama Zharfan,..dua2 pulak tu terpilih.
tahniah sis,
u ni, mmg tk pernah miss all the contest..gud 4 u & family..bila lg nk dapt brg free kan..heheh
lately ni fwz lelah & demam..biasalah tu, kalo dah masuk autumn & winter ni..aktif lah virus around kita ni..
so beware ur babies..
unlisted_one : tq! rezeki anak2..i tumpang glamer hehhe
ummufawwaz : cian fawwaz, moga cepat sembuh..tak taulah mcm mana ariff + zharfan bila first time jejak kaki kat notts nanti masa winter tu...
salam mamazharfan,
offer by invitation join kutu cd@mydearshoppe ye.kutu for brand lunatots dan juga coolababy.
kutu ni tak publish di blog. kalo nak tanye pape leh tinggalkan soklan kat shoutbox ataupun email ye...
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