so end up weolls tgk zootopia lah dulu..tu pun dpt seats yg dpn jer..siyes sgt ramai org kat tgv aeon au2 ni..1st time kot tgk crowded gitu..rimas jugaklah
besh lah zootopia ni..citer psl bunnyg yg jd polis...about motivation, self-confidence, never give up, true frenship..jln citer yg sgt creative..animasi yg sgt cantik..yg pasti sarat dgn mesej yg positif utk kehidupan..good for kids and for adults
ni sinopsis dari imdb
In a city of anthropomorphic animals, a fugitive con artist fox and a rookie bunny cop must work together to uncover a conspiracy
me bagi 4.5 dari 5 bintang! memang puas ati lah tgk movie ni :)

1 comment:
dah tengok cerita ni memang sangat best. tapi lagi best boboiboy :D
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