Thursday 3 February 2011

Rezeki 2 Feb | 2 winnings - Ms Ieda Anniv GA and Cookies Raya 2U GA

Alhamdulillah, rezeki Feb--2 winnings on 2nd Feb--comel nombor 2 tu.. (result GA was released last nite)

Both GAs based on creative entry

1st, me won Ms Ieda 1st Anniversary GA (me buat cartoon Elmo dialog2)..TQ to hubby Ms Ieda sbb sudi pilih me as one of winners :)

congrats to all winners too--kak yong, EB

2nd, me won category creative entry Cookies Raya 2 U GA--winner chosen by En Auz ie hubby puan organizer--tq yer :) me buat cartoon Sin Chan dialog2

note : 3rd and 4th winning for Feb 2011


MiMie AddNin said...

tahniah ye mama zharfan..
dtg amik berkat ni..

Amira is mira said...

tahniah MZ!...semoga dpt byk hadiah lagi

mama_umar_maryam said...

klu bace n3 menang mz dgn ayuarjuna mmg semangat gilang gemilang trus,hahaha

eija_sweetmama said...

tahniah mama zharfan sememangnya kretif

♫::: m[e]n!t! s[e]nja :::♫ said...

tahniah akak...

Farra Dhelina said...

u deserve it sis!! congrts! :)

mizayusof said...

bestnya. tahniah mz :) sangat-sangat kreatif :)

miza dah klik HB mz :)

BUNGA said...

congrattulationsssssssssss :)

tiefazatie said...

wah..tahniah sis!
u deserve it...

ifa adore sis tau..
sis sgt2 kreatif..
ifa nie..blur je memanjang..hihi

cikpuanhady said...

wahh..tahniah sis..sis mmg kreatif..

Jom skodeng :Notre Belle Histoire

Unknown said...

tahniah & terima kasih sbb inform kakyong result ms eida.. ;)


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