he's indeed one of the greatest blessings in my life...
Thank you my boy for coming into Mama's life...
On your special day today, Mama prays that you'll be always blessed, in everything that you do, that u may grow happily, healthily and being a son whom Mama is always proud of...
Mama will do my very best to give u the best of everything that Mama can afford...Insya Allah
even though there's no bday party for u this year my dear...but I'll keep my promise to have ur next year bday party @KFC as per your request dear...
I know you'll appreciate it and enjoy it more as u have now understood the meaning of ur special day :)
Happy 5th Birthday my lil sweetheart,
Ahmad Zharfan Shah bin Rohisham!!

happy 5th busday zharfan..smoga jd ank yg soleh..even tk buat party tp tgk gmbr ni mcm meriah je dgn deco2 tu smua
happy besday zharfan!eh..eh...sebaya dgn fifi ye??bolah buat menantu nih..heheh
Heppie bufday zharfan!! Semoga sihat, ceria selalu & mentaati mama & papa!!
hepi besday to hensem boy, Zharfan.Semoga jadi kebanggaan mam n papa..
My Dear Zhafran,
Enjoy your 5th besday ..Stay healthy and smile always. Be a good boy ya.. Insyaallah special "token" will wait you here in malaysia..can get from aunty next year ok...
Hug and kiss from Aunty Ayu...nun from Malaysia....muahhh
Happy Birthday lil Zharfan.. Semoga menjadi anak yang soleh.. Amin..
Happy Birthday Zharfan...
happy 5th bday, zharfan!
next year jgn lupa jemput adam ye?
salam kenal suzie...
hepy beday zharfan.. jgn nakal2.. jd anak yg baik utk mama dan papa ok....
p/s : da folow taw... nnti xchange link k...
hepi besday zharfan!!! wah menariknyer....sgt kreatif mama zharfan.....
thanks to all for ur good wishes & prayers...really appreciate that :) :) :)
epi buffday..wau merahnyeeee
Happy Belated Birthday Zharfan!!
sukee gmbr y last tu...shuweet!
happy birthday zharfan :)
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