the following entry is meant for mamakuQis big giveaway02 : i am b.e.a.u.t.i.f.u.l
details click HERE!
are u beautiful? am i beautiful?
yes u are, and YESSS i am...every single God creature is beautiful..
“You don't love a woman because she is beautiful, but she is beautiful because you love her” quote from google
-->>i am beautiful because being loved by my hubby
and here I am...
always thankful and grateful for being beautiful in my own way...
and definitely a beautiful wife in the eyes of my hubby
a beautiful mommy in the eyes of my kids
a beautiful daughter in the eyes of of my mother
a beautiful sister in the eyes of my siblings
and a beautiful lecturer in the eyes of my student (perasan tahap gaban ni..)
I feel beautiful bila dpt peluang di make-upkan oleh make up artis TV3, dpt on air dgn Anita Baharom (even artis kurang famous pun :)
test-market hehhee, and the the organizer called ckp me terpilih as one of the 8 finalists!!tak ramai org nak join ke ape
and here I am...
always thankful and grateful for being beautiful in my own way...
and definitely a beautiful wife in the eyes of my hubby
a beautiful mommy in the eyes of my kids
a beautiful daughter in the eyes of of my mother
a beautiful sister in the eyes of my siblings
and a beautiful lecturer in the eyes of my student (perasan tahap gaban ni..)
I feel beautiful bila dpt peluang di make-upkan oleh make up artis TV3, dpt on air dgn Anita Baharom (even artis kurang famous pun :)
ni pic me 1st time di make-up kan oleh make-up artis TV3 sbb masuk rancangan WHI segmen mandi susu Johnson & Johnson bersama Anita Baharum duta milkbath zmn tu citer thn 2008 memang feel good and rasa BEAUTIFUL lah kalau make-up yg kena dgn our face..
I have the confidence to join Mommy Gorgeous competition -kena catwalk atas stage tu... - kes perasan beautiful ke??...not really, sbb me just suka2 emailed my pic for fun and ni my pic masa join Mommy make-up sendiri jer..:p ni thn 2006,
and I know all women would agree, u will definetely rasa mcm Miss World on ur big day...mesti rasa beautiful kan (sbb
and now being a mommy to 2 adorable
as beautiful mommy (even dh gain about 10 kgs as compared to weight masa akad nikah last 6 years...saper nak jwb tu..)
so here I am..
posing beatifully kat ladang strawberry..
and posing jugak kat playground sambil layan my boys pakai my fav dress rasa extra BEAUTIFUL :p
and me YAKIN akan lebih beautiful kalau dpt menikmati mamakuQis cookies yg sgt beautiful pacakaging dan yummy crispy ni..
and because I am b.e.a.u.t.i.f.u.l, so are u (ie yg tgh baca my posting ni plus puan penganjur contest yg super duper beautiful)...
and banner cookeis (merangkap biz card jugak kan) .. pun sgt beautiful
terimalah lagu CANTIK aka beautiful ni...
ni antara lagu my fav suka sgt me layan lagu ni time2 sbb buat entry psl BEAUTIFUL, so me dgr lagu ni berpuluh2 kali utk siapkan entry yg BEAUTIFUL ni!!
and banner cookeis (merangkap biz card jugak kan) .. pun sgt beautiful
terimalah lagu CANTIK aka beautiful ni...
ni antara lagu my fav suka sgt me layan lagu ni time2 sbb buat entry psl BEAUTIFUL, so me dgr lagu ni berpuluh2 kali utk siapkan entry yg BEAUTIFUL ni!!
Alhamdulillah atas rahmatNya kerana bagi kita semua peluang utk rasa beautiful :) di dunia yg fana ini...yg paling utama BEAUTIFUL dlm jiwa dan hati nurani (tazkirah plak sikit :p)

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