she is friendly...she is low-profile...she is helpful, talkative....but she is indeed pro-comper !!!- she never stops winning ever since she ventured into comping...
she is....
ni pic me & ayu masa rumah terbuka boh/tv3 at ezna's house masa raya last year- ezna is my best fren, also an active comper!!
Ayu Arjuna aka Ayu Rafikah!!! she's one of my good, trusted frens...i'm so lucky to have known her..actually i initiated our frenship...I sent her email, saying that I wanna be her fren..coz I'm impressed to always seeing her winning lots of nationwide contests, online contests as well...and she replied my email..and we started becoming frens from that day...and we also both members of emenang, she is fondly known as 'versatile mother'...coz got many kids but at the same time active and winning a lot in comping!!
sometimes, i went to see her at her workplace (dropping by actually) ...just to have chit-chat...mostly we talked about contest-montests :p :p
and we always never failed to share our latest winning and latest contests in town...
me sooo excited to read the interview by Msian Giveaway of my contest idol...
here is my copy paste from the site..
"this month we are proud to bring another Contest Enthusiast on MALAYSIA Giveaway. She is very approachable and I have once met her during the launching of Project Alpha Season 2, even though it was a little while, I could feel her warmth and humble and it is proven dealing with her during my "interviewing" session. Introducing Ayu Rafikah or better known as Ayu Arjuna. Her website
MALAYSIA Giveaway: Can you introduce yourself?
Ayu: A mother of 5 kids; Anaqi 9 years old, Adriana 7 yeras old, Akid 5 years old, Afiq 3 years old and Amani 2 months). A wife to Encik Zulhazmi Saad. Now attached with Centre For Foundation Studies UIA and plan to further study very soon.
MALAYSIA Giveaway: Can you introduce yourself?
Ayu: A mother of 5 kids; Anaqi 9 years old, Adriana 7 yeras old, Akid 5 years old, Afiq 3 years old and Amani 2 months). A wife to Encik Zulhazmi Saad. Now attached with Centre For Foundation Studies UIA and plan to further study very soon.
MALAYSIA Giveaway: How do you started blogging?
Ayu: I became a blogger somewhere in May 2009 just because I wanted to join a Contest organized by women's Thereafter, my blog posting become more on personal thought, achievement and etc (more on diary and personal journey)
MALAYSIA Giveaway: When do you started participating in the contests and how you become addicted to contest?
Ayu: be exact not sure when it started but after I moved to KL (after finished my master in 2001), I enjoy reading local magazine and started to join the contest from the magazine and thereafter, newspaper. And wherever I go for a shopping. I love to "rembat" any contest forms..heheh. And the best part my hubby always support me! (always asked me before he went to shop "ada barang apa2 nak beli untuk masuk contest?)
Ayu: Cash! last year I manage to collect RM15,600 total cash, varieties from many contests. RM10,000 value off Tesco's vouchers which I won from and Tesco (treasure hunt) in 2003.
MALAYSIA Giveaway: Any contest moment you want to share..
Every time when we won's our achievement..our enjoyment.
However, I still remember when I won 3 days 2 night and on top of that "Berbuka Puasa for 10 persons" at Marriot Hotel under Intrend Magazine, Makan Besar Bersama Keluarga sempena Tahun Baru cina under Nestle..where I could invite most of my relatives in KL to join me... (just like family gathering)
and also new experienced for me when I won Drypers contest under, me and my son have to go for photoshoot (for adv in Berita Harian, Metro and The Star newspapers) and also I had to record my voice (iklan kat radio Sinar.Fm..kehkeh)
Tapi yang paling menyentuh perasaan...masa menang under Vanietta Walls dan Harian Metro dapat cash RM1k dan buat aktiviti di rumah anak yatim yang terpilih..sedih dan terharu....the experience is really priceless
MALAYSIA Giveaway: Any tips to win a contest?
Ayu: Put your effort, don't give up, just be yourself and have fun!
MALAYSIA Giveaway: Any comments for blog contest organizer?
Ayu: Be more transparent... :p
MALAYSIA Giveaway: Any comments on MALAYSIA Giveaway? Suggestions, recommendations, criticism..
You did a good comment at all.... two thumbs up!
Thank you Ayu!!! I appreciate your time ya.."

me also ada kawan yang selalu menang contest nie tetapi dia takde blog pun.. The biggest winning RM50,000.00 cash, MyV1 and proton saga car, pergi umrah, japan, langkawi berjaya hotel dan banyak lagi yang kecik2..
Memang komited dan minat yang mendalam dan kalau pergi pasaraya mesti ambil form contest.. Kitaorang nie jadikan dia idola, tetapi dia mmg rajin dan komited tak macam kitaorang :P..
Tapi kalau kat blog, u la yang la yg plg komited, ada sahaja entry GA, me tak sempat jea nak buat :P
Suzie...u pun apa kurangnyer...hehehe..thanks introducing your friend to us, me pun nak berkenalan jugaklah.. :)
wah.. angah macam nak cuba jer angah tak pernah pun cuba...
salam suzz....terkezut I tengok posting u hehe...anyway i suka gambar kita berdua tu :) . Memang rasa seronok kalau menang something..tak menangpun takpe tak perlu rasa kecewa (motivate kita utk terus berusaha lagi dengan syarat mesti untuk suka2 jangan stress)..janji kita happy apa yang kita buat :) paling best dapat kenal rakan-rakan comper yang memang satu kepala..sharing everything about contest..yang ni pun priceless....
betul, suzie pn selalu menang contest... :)
wah best2 kan kalo emnang..suziey pun salah 1 idola kita gaks dlm dunia contets nih hehehehe
ape kurang nyer you.. selalu menang jugak per.. abut ayu is da bomb lah.. tapi i ni part nak menghantar masuk post box ni ade malas sikit.. so stick to online saje :D
Ya allah!!!! I LOVE THIS POSTING!!!! Sangat2 menyentuh hati. :-) because both of u r my friend :-) Rasa sangat2 bersyukur dpt kwn2 macam both of u :-) alhamdulilah....
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