Thursday 23 February 2012

Rezeki hari ini | memang tix Disney on Ice worth RM540

pg tadi me dpt call..that me one of 10 winners to win the Disney Tix on Ice worth RM540...the contest was organized by Kordel..

contest ni submit pic bday my kids.. 

the PIC said that the tix will be couried to me..may be next week dpt lah kot..

Disney on Ice show tu 9-11 March kat Penang....tapiiiiii....10-11 March i kena jd trainer utk 1citizen tak dpt nak gi cuti2 Penang :(
rather than rasanya tix ni nak kena let go lah...hopefully sempat jual (murah2)..sbb dh last minute gak ni


Wansteddy Tales said...

Tahniah! suka dgn hadiah grand cmni :D Sayangnya kak suzi. Show ni confirm besh! xpelah, dr waste cmtu je lebih baik let go kat org penang ;D

Cho Zila said...

tahunni disney on ice takder kat klker yerk...

Chekgu Azrine said...

too bad la MZ.. sayangnya..

Anonymous said...

alamak jauh nye show dia
Sayang xdpt g kan

Nurulchumel said...

camne kak suzie boleh selalu join contest best2 camni? jeles la..leh bg tips tak?

Zuraida Rahim said...

tahniah MZ syoknya tp jauh nak ke sana

tiefazatie said...

wah..tahniah sis!

intanloveamir said...

bestnyerrr,,,brp nk jual??? hehehe


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