Friday 11 January 2013


taken from HERE

Ipoh: Seorang pensyarah wanita dan suaminya memfailkan saman terhadap Hospital KPJ Ipoh yang didakwa cuai hingga menyebabkan kematian bayi lelaki mereka pada April tahun lalu.
Norehan Abdul Hassan, 30, dan suaminya, Mohd Helmi Mohd Isa, 30, memfailkan writ saman di Mahkamah Tinggi Ipoh, di sini, semalam, bagi menuntut ganti rugi termasuk ganti rugi am, ganti rugi teladan dan kos berkaitan bagi kes berkenaan, selain ganti rugi khas.
Dalam writ saman itu, mereka menamakan Doktor Sharifah Halimah Jaafar dan KPJ Ipoh Specialist Hospital Sdn Bhd sebagai defendan. 

bayi tu dipercayai disuntik tersalah ubat..taken from HERE
Ipoh: Sepasang suami isteri memfailkan saman atas kecuaian kakitangan hospital swasta di sini, yang didakwa menyuntik ubat mengecutkan rahim sehingga menyebabkan kematian bayi lelaki mereka. 

note : kecuaian berlaku di gomen or even private...bab2 nyawa memang tiada maaf bagi mu lah...


Lisa Ibnu Abas said...

Memang patut ambil tindakan atas kecuian kakitangan hospital tue. Dah byk kes kecuaian kakitangan hospital berlaku. hurm...

Gieyana said...

jdksn sebagai teladan kan...

IdaShazana said...

Jadi pengajaran, nyawa amat berharga

Ezna Khalili said...

Tindakan patut diambil. Bayi ini telah ditakdirkan meninggal dengan cara begini....

Mia Kassim said...

Simpati dengan ibu bapa bayi tu....

CeqGu said...

Hurmmm mintak jauh dr berlaku pd ahli keluarga kita semua

Unknown said...

Hi I am Dr Sharifah Halimah. Since you have put up my name here in your blog, I would like to update or clarify the status of the case. On 23rd March 2013, there was a pre hearing, i.e mediation by the Judge between the plaintiff and the accused. With the advise of the honorable Judge, the family has withdrawn the case against me because I have nothing to do with the accident except that I have helped her to deliver the unfortunate baby safely. The family has agreed to the amount of compensation by the hospital since hospital nurse was the one liable to cause such an accidental injection. I definitely symphatise and emphatise the family for their loss and hope they can move on..

Unknown said...

Salam. Since my name appeared in this blog, and the case is no longer a court case I would like to clarify the status of the case. On 23th March 2013, there was a pre-hearing mediation of the case. It was mediated by the Judge between the hospital and the plaintiff. With the advice of the Judge, the family has dropped the case against me because I have nothing to do with the accident except helping the mother to deliver the baby safely. The family has agreed on the lump sum of compensation by the hospital since the hospital staff was liable in the unfortunate event. I definitely symphatise and emphatize the parent for their loss and hope they can move on. I an also a victim as my name was published all over the media and hope can put this incident behind


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