one fine day last month, ada one publisher from abroad (based on germany) email me, ckp he's interested to publish it, dia tgk my thesis kat library univ of nottingham Uk (etheses)..kiranya my wish granted Alhamdulillah
now dh final stage...the book will be published soon --under LAP publishing.
this is the cover of my 1st academic book ever...
Alhamdulillah atas segala rahmat dan nikmatNya..
tq uolls sbb sudi singgah dan menjadi part of my perkongsian kegembiraan in my life :)

yarhamukallah..nikmat kan mz..somoga MZ terus success
well done akak...sound cool...dapat turned thesis into book....congrats!!!!!!!
congrat, JS glad wif you..
tahniah kak..berbaloi2 akak buat thesis...
Tahniah Suzie!!! Me tumpangg bangga...!!!!
rezeki utk MZ
Alhamdulillah sis, happy for u :)
kagum sangat dgn pencapaian MZ!!
sy tumpang bangga utk mama zhafran. moga buku ni dpt beri manfaat pd semua yg membaca.
tahniah, alhamdulillah..!!
well done sist!!
tahniah!!! this is a very great moments for you...tumpang happy =)
congrats beb...pencapaian terbaik ni :)
congrat's sis :-)
Ya Allah bestnya boleh buat buku sendiri :)
Tahniah MZ..
sukses sukses my bff Suzz!!!!
wah tahniah suzz.. nanti kalau betul2 dah siap.. ada lebih..boleh ke bagi ila satu..ila nak letak kat libary office..kiki..
you.. as a lecturer, UIA lagi tu, associate professor, doctor, phd holder, notts lagi.. bangge i jadi kawan u :D
hebat lah suzie. Tahniah dari KC. Moga terus suksess lagi ye, adik.
wah. pernah terima email yang sama jugak. org tuh dapat contact melalui website school kot, sbb yele thesis pun tak siap lagi, tetiba ada org berminat nak publish thesis kita kan. :p ingatkan publisher german tuh main2... hehehe
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