Wednesday 28 March 2012

1st time menang SAMSUNG | Pallas Happy Shoes Contest

Alhamdulillah...rezeki di hari2 terakhir Mac 2012...bukan tab tapi ace :)

1st time me menang Samsung Galaxy Ace, dari Contest Pallas Happy Shoes..
sbb me beli kasut my zharfan (2 psg), so me antar 2 entries, satu nama me, satu nama mr hubby

nama mr hubby naik as one of 3rd prize winners..nama me naik gak tapi hadiah sagu hati ie botol air nike ajer ngeh ngeh ngeh

me check kat, harga/market price Samsung Ace ni around RM650- RM770 :)

note : ptg semlm dpt surat, menang something sweet...kira hadiah for me & Ariff (we share same bday month ie April)


mama tisya said...

tahniah mz

eima said...

wahhh murah rezeki lagi...sgt syookkk

tiefazatie said...

wah..sgt2 murah rezeki sis..
i adore u sis..
nak gak jd mcm sis..=)

lovely dots said...


Lovely Dots berbesar hati menjemput anda untuk meMENANGi Where's Elmo a peek-a-boo book untuk si kecil kesayangan.

Sila Layari pautan ini -> Lovely Dots March Giveaway untuk mengetahui syarat & langkah-langkah berkaitan.

Terima kasih.

intanloveamir said...

tahniah kak...bestnyerr

Airis Arissa said...

tahniah...teruja baca blog ni ari2 sbb owner SELALU menang mcm2. ngeh...:)

AyuArjuna BiGoshh said...

nama me tak naik pun hoho

me suya said...

murah rezeki mz. alhamdulillah said...

Alhamdulillah... bertambah rezeki MZ..

eija_sweetmama said...

Alhamdullilah..Tahniah Mama Zharfan yg selalu bertuah..:)

Ayu Zarina said...

tahniah...rezeki rezeki..

Ezna Khalili said...

CONGRATS suzz!!!!

Affieza said...

wow...congrats sis..dua2 nama naik tu!!

Anonymous said...


mummy_ayu said...

congrats!! murah rezeki


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