Saturday 17 March 2012

SeeFood movie review | animasi yang sangat memukau

tghari semlm, me bwk my zharfan pegi tgk SeeFood kat GSC 1Utama--guna complimentary vou yg my BFF ayu rafikah bagi heheh so save RM18 sbb harga tix RM9 per pax.

theater 2/3 full..majority kanak2 and parents/family sbb cuti sek kan

yg paling me impressed dgn animasi SeeFood--animasi yg sgt cantik!! siyes setaraf dgn Finding Nemo bab2 animasi!! nampak sgt real kehidupan bwh laut yg berwarna warni..

Feast for the eyes: The dazzling underwater world created by Silver Ant in Seefood The Movie. Pup and his big buddy Julius are on theright. – Photos courtesy of Silver Ant
cuma pada pendapat me...wpun citer ni ada some parts komedi esp masa selepas half way citer ni berlangsung, masa awal2, citer ni agak slow jln citernya.
plot agak heavy me rasa lebih sesuai utk org dewasa sbb sarat dgn mesej berkenaan appresiasi alam sekitar esp laut

dan kekurangan yg teramat sgt psl movie ni...tak de langung lagu dlm movie agak boring sbb dari awal sampai akhir cerita ajer...ada byk part yg tak de dialog, just tgk apa yg watak2 tu buat ajer mcm silent story gitu
apa2 pun, me memang terpukau dgn quality animasi, grafik, lukisan SeeFood ni..siyes 5 star!! kalau citer ni ada lagu, memang terbaekk lah!!

ni me amik sinopsis kat SINI

what’s remarkable about Seefood The Movie that stars a couple of sharks is that it’s Malaysia’s first 3D animation movie in English.

The landmark production is set to hit foreign shores sometime between July and September. Nothing has been confirmed yet for the local screening although a distributor is keen on the movie. Plans are being made to dub it in Bahasa Malaysia.

Seefood is not a typo error, by the way. It is supposed to literally mean “seeing food”.

Typical of such animal-themed animations, Seefood, billed as a comedy for the family, features the delightful capers of a bunch of characters. It focuses on two sharks which embark on a roller-coaster mission to save dozens of egg sacks stolen by poachers – above water, into the perilous land of man.

Viewers will get to meet Pup, a bamboo shark which can remain on land for 12 hours, and Julius, a whitetip shark which eats just about anything.

Coming along for the fun ride is a cornucopia of colourful marine characters, including Mertle the turtle, Octo the inventor (an octopus, of course), Spin the stingray and a trio of pilot fish named Moe, Curly and Larry (the three stooges of the show)!

selamat menonton bagi yg belum menonton.


εïзmmyHazaεïз said...

best citer ni rasanye.. harus jengah MBO shah alam... itu yg paling dekat dgn umah :)

Ahmad Nizar said...

Pegi la tgk citer Bunohan ! Recommended utk kelantanese, hehe...

Gimi said...

la...da kuar cite ni...kalau tgk trailer cam best....

AzianKhalil said...

takde lagu??...hmm..

Rtp Farra Arisha said...

this is so very interesting movie!! :D me likey this too hehe!

tiefazatie said...

ala..xde lagu tue yg bosan tue..huhu

Wan Amira said...

i dah tengok, kene tiket RM14 sekeping.. mahai sungguh huhu, sebab tengok during the weekend at tgv wangsa walk

eija_sweetmama said...

me pun dh bawa anak2 tgk movie ni..
yup mmg jln citer dia awal2 agak slow, dh pertengahan baru nak ada unsur lawak, itupun me rasa ayam tu yg mghidukan unsur lawak dlm filem seefood ni..


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