ni me amik dari the star online
Tragic list of young innocent victims of monsters
PETALING JAYA: Shearwey Ooi Ying Ying, Nurin Jazlin Jazimin, Nurul Huda Abdul Ghani, Haserawati Saridi.
And now, Nurul Nadirah Abdullah.
These are young children who have gone missing over the years. And whose death the nation has mourned.
Nurul Nadirah was reported missing on March 1, after she failed to return after going to a grocery shop on the ground floor of the next block of flats to buy eggs and instant noddles.
Her charred remains were found at a plantation in Nusa Damai, Johor.
Shearwey was reported missing on July 6, 2007 from her mother Jess Teh's car.
Teh claimed she had gone to pay her parking ticket when she went missing. Teh and her then boyfriend, Ong Chee Leong, were arrested in connection with the case. Teh was charged with lodging a false police report and Ong was charged with Shearwey's murder.
Three-year-old Shearway was believed to have been murdered, burnt and her bone fragments strewn in different places in Penang.
On Aug 20, 2007, Nurin Jazlin Jazimin, eight, went missing after going to a night market near her home in Wangsa Maju.
Her naked and violated body was found stuffed in a sports bag and left outside a shoplot in Petaling Jaya. Her killer is still at large.
Nurul Huda Abdul Ghani, 10, died after she was found naked in the guardhouse of a Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) substation in Kampung Pekajang, Tanjung Kupang in Johor Baru on Jan 17, 2004.
She had been gang raped and sodomised before being strangled. Two suspects a security guard and an unemployed man were arrested. A third suspect is still at large.
In 2004, Haserawati Saridi, 10, was on her way to school in Menggatal, Sabah.
She was found murdered and raped.
A 31-year-old man was sentenced to death by the Kota Kinabalu High Court for her murder.
Sharlinie Mohd Nashar, five, went missing on Jan 9, 2008 while playing near her house in Petaling Jaya. She has not been found till today.
note : pengajaran dan peringatan utk para ibu bapa termasuk me..agar berhati2 dengan apa2 jua yg berkaitan dgn keselamatan anak2....moga2 kita semua sentiasa di bawah lindunganNya...amiin

Ya Allah ya tuhanku ... jg lah keselamatan anak2 ku ...
hari ni aku risau sgt2 sbb my eldest son ikut nenek pi aquaria ... hopefully nenek ngan mak sedar jalankan tanggungjawab utk menjaga buah hati aku tu .... mintak simpang la perkara yg tak diingini .... serius aku risau sgt tp mengenangkan pujukan nenek ... aku paksa rela .... huawwwwwwaaaaaaaa
tu la kan..peringatan utk kita semua...
minta di jauhkan dari keluarga kita
btol mz..lebih dari takut dgr citer camni..aritu my Umar termasuk dlm lif pon i dah ketaq lutut..
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