adik me kata, ada 3 missed call dlm hpnya, dia tak sempat jwb sbb tgh BF her baby, dari no KL, so dia inform i, kot2 psl contest ker apa kan, sbb i kdg2 guna gak nama adik i utk join2 contest (kdg i antar more than 1 entry utk one contest)
then i try call balik no tu, tak de org jwb
then balik umah, i sajer2 google...
wah, ada gak website psl cara kita nak trace certain phone numbers dari mana/siapa caller tu
ni linknya:
ni one of the reports about that number..
"Just had the missed ring with this no. 03-2036662. subsequently soon after few minutes, our sibling rang us. he stated a no. 03-2036655 rang his & stated was with CIMB, ask his how to get us. however our sibling just ignored. therefore we attempt to search engine these two no.s, subsequently now we recognise these two no.s are totally con."
nasib baik bukan nombor psl contest :p :p
org nak jual insurans or credit card rupanya :p annoying sungguh...kalau i dpt those calls, i direct ckp, sorry not interested hahah abis citer :)
note : gigih i buat entry time lunch hour :p ...selasa ialah hari yg paling bz utk i dlm seminggu--sbb i ada 5 kelas ari ni...esok i tak de kelas...

owh baru tau ada web yg bole trace call tu dari mana hee bagus ni
aduhai... hangin je bila dpt kol dr bank2 ni kan. wan pn terima panggilan pelik. bila wan kol balik sekali sepaking london pulak. nk trace siapa kol pn xboleh sbb operator. so xtau jugak smpai sudah panggilan tu dr mana. misteri minggu ini haha
huhu..kalo saya ada misscall duk tertanya2..ada co. call nak panggil interview ker..hahaaaa
hehehe...kdg2 tu sy ni excited jugak bila no line kl nek...rupa2nya psl astro atau credit card!
owh..skrg nie..sllu bank yg kol paksa join insuran apa ntah..
samalah i.. kalau misscall nombor tak kenal, first thing that i will do, google dulu.. then kalau tak jumpe nombor depa.. then baru lah i call balik
ohhh..leh trace dlm internet ek..leh lar wat len kali...eekkeke
rajin tul ko google..kalau me sorry psl me mls nk menjwb call actually..ekekeke
gigih MZ google ek? sm la kita kalau dpt missed called drpd no yg tak diketahui. hehehe...
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