Wednesday 3 August 2011

Full result | keputusan penuh Parkson When I Grow Up Contest 2011

official result dh kuar kat website parkson...
so entry ni sbg kenangan utk lil ariff bila dia besar nanti--that time kecik2 his mom suka joinkan dia dlm baby contest, and he's among the 24 cutest baby for this Parkson Baby Contest :)--for both years--2010 and 2011

link :

yg menang no 2 tu adalah anak my comper fren gak--thn 2010 dia dpt no 3, and her baby memang one of finalist baby johnson last year :)

terselit nama ariff & mama ariff kat list conso winners --Alhamdulillah

yg menang GP sgtlah comel!!!
 Grand Prize Winner

1st winner

2nd winner

3rd winner

and last but not least....paling spesel kat hati mama ariff..

{rasanya me lost marks sbb tak buat/print out dlm bentuk montage --tak reti nak buat actually--memang t&c wajib buat montage..}


Lelord said...

tahniah..masih lg terselit utk consolation prize

Farra Dhelina said...

conso pun dh hebat..taniah ariff!!

Unknown said...

Tahniah dear lil ariff!!

fa10 said...

tahniah little Arief..
selamat berpuasa Suzi..

Chekgu Azrine said...

anyway tahniah ye MZ

*∽ IZAN ∽* said...

memang comel comell....! perghh.. klau tak cukup costume & tak de camera DSLR payah gak nak menang nih..! padan la dgn hadiah nyer... uhuhuh

Anyway tahniah utk Suzie gakk.. Doc dapat conso prize! moga dah besar jadi doc sungguh yekk!

Wan Amira said...

best!! congrats!! comel2 gambar semua nyer..

εïзmmyHazaεïз said...

tahniah mz.. ariff comel..

ps: header cantik!! :)

AyuArjuna BiGoshh said...

suzz gambar first tu bukannya montage print 4R letak kat atas kadbod bukannya die suh print 8r ke???...i think anak seima deserve to be GP...huhu

azura samsuddin said...

semua chumel2 dan ariff pun chumel ... tahniah w/pun conso, bertuah ariff ;)

Hanim said...

Montage senang je kalu guna Adobe photoshop. Rugi...rugi..


caman nak masuk contest parkson ne.join fb la ne ek??

deqlis said...

tahniah...:-) comel2x..

idea jadik doktor tu menarik + sweet, cuma background kena edit kot? kasik nampak background spital ker..

pepun ariff mmg cute n pandai bergaya..

Anonymous said...


tiefazatie said...

tahniah sis!ok la..ada gak hadiah best kan2..


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